Simple Forms [Paid] [Deleted]

Absolutely, the all destination templates support conditionals. Here is an example for you:
<xen:if is="{$fields.fieldname.value} == 'Apples'">I really love apples!<xen:else>I really hate apples!</xen:if>
John, if we want to upgrade from a plus license to a pro license, do we have to pay the full $45, or the difference between the two?

Either works, just wanted to ask.
John, if we want to upgrade from a plus license to a pro license, do we have to pay the full $45, or the difference between the two?

Either works, just wanted to ask.
You pay the difference. So the Pro license is $45 and the difference would be $30.
Curious i am finally going to buy but does this have captcha and you can replace the simple contact us form from XF right ?
The form system does support guest posting and yes supports human verification (whichever system you use). XenForo does have the ability to change the "Contact Us" section to go to any custom page. Just point it to that form. :)
May your add-on be used for a "create a new thread wizard" ?
(for this, the forums selection should be added to choices...)

Many users never used a forum and are a bit confused where post their new discussion. I like from time to perform a simple wizard to help the new users to post their first thread.

Discussion Area (forums)
Discussion Body
Create your new discussion (button)

Return page: You've created your new discussion. You'll receive an alert and a notification e-mail (depend on your notification preferences) when someone reply to you. In the main time you can read some other discussions in our forum. Please select the area of your interest and enjoy!

In this way you can put a Create New Thread button somewhere in the site and assist new users without load the moderators.

If you'll add this feature I'll install your great mod in our five forums :)
I can't get the tab to not show in my navigation bar. I've read its in the usergroup permissions but all see options for is "view forms list" and "respond to forms" ... if I set vie forms list to no, I still see the button in my navigation bar.
I can't get the tab to not show in my navigation bar. I've read its in the usergroup permissions but all see options for is "view forms list" and "respond to forms" ... if I set vie forms list to no, I still see the button in my navigation bar.
Open a ticket and we will take a look at your permissions setup.
Hey LP-John please solve the delete user bug! It's really annoying...
There is a quick work-around posted in the ticket. We are still working on the next release of Simple Forms that will have this issue resolved. Not much further we can do at this point.
May your add-on be used for a "create a new thread wizard" ?
(for this, the forums selection should be added to choices...)

Many users never used a forum and are a bit confused where post their new discussion. I like from time to perform a simple wizard to help the new users to post their first thread.

Discussion Area (forums)
Discussion Body
Create your new discussion (button)

Return page: You've created your new discussion. You'll receive an alert and a notification e-mail (depend on your notification preferences) when someone reply to you. In the main time you can read some other discussions in our forum. Please select the area of your interest and enjoy!

In this way you can put a Create New Thread button somewhere in the site and assist new users without load the moderators.

If you'll add this feature I'll install your great mod in our five forums :)

Check this out:

Is that the function you need?

Well. did not work for me.

Site error: the file //library/LiquidPro/SimpleForms.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader to be installed by the website operator. If you are the website operator please use the ionCube Loader Wizard to assist with installation.
Isn't quick and a work around isn't a solution ;)

As I mentioned, there is not much more we can do at this time. We are currently too far into development to fork out a release with just this fixed.

Well. did not work for me.

Site error: the file //library/LiquidPro/SimpleForms.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader to be installed by the website operator. If you are the website operator please use the ionCube Loader Wizard to assist with installation.

Simple Forms Lite requires Ioncube. Please make sure your hosting provider has this installed.
As I mentioned, there is not much more we can do at this time. We are currently too far into development to fork out a release with just this fixed.

Simple Forms Lite requires Ioncube. Please make sure your hosting provider has this installed.
Any way to go around this? Guess a big host like wont install it just for me :P
Any way to go around this? Guess a big host like wont install it just for me :p
Our Plus and Pro licenses do not require ioncube. So you would not need to worry about it.
John, can you give some status of the next release ?

Development is slow but steady. We were prepared to make this a 1.2 release, but instead so much has been changed and adjusted that this will more than likely be a 2.0 release. Far too many things to list and we hope to do a preview post a few weeks before a private BETA release. Once the BETA passes, we will then release it.

I have no ETA as things change quickly, but we are working hard to make SF really, really nice :).
You still have the lite version (free). See the first post.

@John : give us some news, hope you still support the addon and you're working on the next version.
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