Show Us your XF!

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The Fierce Board address has changed and is now completely active.

Looks great. One of the best sites I've seen.

I like how you direct to The Portal, but the HomeTab is active.
How did you do that ?

Very nice example of Jaxel's plugins (XenCarta, XenPorta, XenAttendo).
On your site, the Help Tab is now out of place. It would appear as if it is a Help Tab for all of , but it is just a tab for rudimentary forum information.
I would move it to a SubTab of the Forum Tab (or just get rid of it)(does anyone use it ?).
Looks great. One of the best sites I've seen.

I like how you direct to The Portal, but the HomeTab is active.
How did you do that ?

Very nice example of Jaxel's plugins (XenCarta, XenPorta, XenAttendo).
On your site, the Help Tab is now out of place. It would appear as if it is a Help Tab for all of , but it is just a tab for rudimentary forum information.
I would move it to a SubTab of the Forum Tab (or just get rid of it)(does anyone use it ?).

Thank you for the kind words! I am working hard to make the experience of the site seem very polished. I plan on adding a wordpress blog that has a similar look and is integrated with XF (thanks to plugins found on here!)

All I did was put the forum not in the root, and in my .htaccess I added a 302 redirect to /forum/portal so it seems like Jaxels XenPorta is my home page.

Haha, I didn't even know the Help Tab was there! What we did on vB4 (and would like to do with XF once the ability becomes available) was make it so new users could ONLY post in the newbie section for 3 days (and required at least 3 posts). That kept the help questions in one area and kept out the riff raff honestly. I REALLY hope a promotion type of system happens sooner rather than later.
Did you know in XenCarta, you can embed a wiki page in the forums ?
Cool eh ?

You didn't notice the help tab because it's the lamest Tab in Xenforo (doesn't even deserve to be a Tab!).
Are you going to put that in a "Blog" tab ?
I'd love to see how things look when you add Wordpress.

All I did was put the forum not in the root, and in my .htaccess I added a 302 redirect to /forum/portal so it seems like Jaxel's XenPorta is my home page.
Thank you for the kind words!

Haha, I didn't even know the Help Tab was there! What we did on vB4 (and would like to do with XF once the ability becomes available) was make it so new users could ONLY post in the newbie section for 3 days (and required at least 3 posts). That kept the help questions in one area and kept out the riff raff honestly. I REALLY hope a promotion type of system happens sooner rather than later.

I think your board is one of the busiest "official" ones which moved to XF.
I would really appreciate it if you would share your approx. server setup and the total number of page views you get (and expect when things get busier) per this would provide a nice baseline for what medium to large communities should expect.
I think your board is one of the busiest "official" ones which moved to XF.
I would really appreciate it if you would share your approx. server setup and the total number of page views you get (and expect when things get busier) per this would provide a nice baseline for what medium to large communities should expect.

I'll be honest, I am no expert. I just meddle enough to get things running.

I am on a VPS with a gig of ram and some other stuff. We have averaged about 3000 people a day visiting and 1200 members online since the switch. We should hit about 10,000 a day come April.

Umm, everything works better than vB4 (what I did have). The few mods that were missing I finally just commissioned someone to create because they were pretty much mission critical for me (and the community has been asking for them anyway).

I'll be honest I don't see a reason to stay with vB4 (or ever go back). They have a few more mods, but EVERYTHING else is better on XF. The lack of CMS doesn't bother me because of the Wordpress bridge (and Wordpress is pretty much THE best CMS anyway, so IMO it would be better just to improve upon the bridge instead of trying to reinvent the wheel and create XF's own). vB4 was in Beta for all over version 4.0, and just decided to get worse with 4.1.
I just totally wanted to stroke the excitement. I don't know if I will be the first in both niches but the site domain names are perfect for online forums to be xenforoed (a verb.) Right now I'm waiting for propagation of the domain to the new host...
I just totally wanted to stroke the excitement. I don't know if I will be the first in both niches but the site domain names are perfect for online forums to be xenforoed (a verb.) Right now I'm waiting for propagation of the domain to the new host...
Well what are the domains?
karrott - If you could add my new forum I'd appreciate it!

If anyone's interested in HBO programming (Big Love, Boardwalk Empire, True Blood, Game of Thrones, etc.) please join us!
ok i've seen that site before.... the white wasn't cool, but now you have blackish greyish bg good work!

btw, can you plz pc me?
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