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Thanks for the feedback, i will look into a slightly darker color :)

Hey firstly.. EACH TO THEIR OWN !!!!!

For some reason or other when i design a new style for any platform.. i start of going for a clean / professional style yet the more i work on the style the darker it gets lol... anyways to be of help to you when it comes to dark styles you have two options... Commit to a Dark style / website OR Commit to a clean style lol... very simple unlike Pizza's Half / Half just don't work... Hmmm Pizza :P lmao... hey only trying to help at the end of the day each website design is the designers / owners personal artistic thoughts.

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We're finaly getting somewhere with our forum. It's not released for our community yet (they are now on the old vB forum), but we hope to be able to release it in a few weeks. You can see it here:

The game we are playing are build up by planets. Each planet is like a separate world and have their own 'game play'. Owners of these planets are called Planet Partners. You can in the bottom choose a skin for each planet available in the game now: Arkadia, Cyrene, ROCKtropia, Next Island and Calypso. These are going to be the main skins to choose among, and when more planetes arives, I will make new skins for those.

:) Happy Easter
We're finaly getting somewhere with our forum. It's not released for our community yet (they are now on the old vB forum), but we hope to be able to release it in a few weeks. You can see it here:

Just installd the first version of some of our custom tools, which are being ported for us as we speak. Things are looking like we might be able to get rid of vB very soon :)
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