Show us your XF

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I had thought the site was about your kids. As in, you would talk about your kids, which would mean you'd divulge your kids' personal lives. So, therefore, "We Love Our Kids" may come off as a narcissism of your kids. [Not at your kids, mind you.]

I am not trying to be negative, nor am I trying to bring you down, peggy.
I'm sure glad I waited for you to explain, as I had assumed you were implying that having "kids" in the title would attract the *wrong* sort of visitors!!!

Phew!!! :D
I had thought the site was about your kids. As in, you would talk about your kids, which would mean you'd divulge your kids' personal lives. So, therefore, "We Love Our Kids" may come off as a narcissism of your kids. [Not at your kids, mind you.]

I am not trying to be negative, nor am I trying to bring you down, peggy.
As I explained already, the site is for parents, to not only talk about their kids, and share tips, strategies, etc., but to meet new people, make new friends, and talk about things other than just their children.

If you're not a parent, I can kind of understand your confusion, but trust me, a parent will know what the site is about, and for. :)
.info redirects to it but not if it has something like .info/index.php at the end. So on the link in this thread it has the index.php on the end so it cant redirect.
change your .htaccess to rewrite everything that isn't to go to
Hi Everyone!

This is the fourth forum I've owned/operated and recently I decided to move the forum from SMF to XenForo. At first our team wanted to wait until the SMF Importer Tool was ready, but I felt that XenForo could use a little bit of support at the moment and decided to grab a license and start it up after tracking this site for almost two months.

My brother and I run SaloForum, a forum where we discuss all things highbrow and lowbrow with a focus on intelligent humour.

Here's the site banner:


The name of the forum and the banner are purposely kept ambiguous, but the description "Chic Nihilism" should give you a hint as to the approach many take to the world around us.

Basically, we like to make fun of everyone from the extreme left to the extreme right.

We are a lively group of people with a very, very active shoutbox (TaigaChat) and who have a lot of fun riffing on the events of the day or on film and music, or dive into discussions on world events, philosophy, history, technology, and especially the effects of the internet on our culture around us.

We plan to grow to 300 members by early spring next year.

As for the look of the forum, my brother and I plan on experimenting with skins in the near future amongst other things. The priority now is to get the forum running both in shoutbox (already there) and in thread discussions.

If this sounds interesting to you, feel free to stop by, check us out, and register.
Mines a very new site, but xenforo has been a pleasure to use.

Its a site aimed at the UK retention market. At the end of your contract when you go to cancel your mobile/broadband/TV etc and the company offers you a retention deal to stay. Its a place for members to share the retention deals they have been offered so others know what they can aim for when they phone up.

Still only early days and ive still got a lot of work to put into it yet.
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