s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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Yeah, I noticed the player didn't scale in size when I visited NPR. I'll work on excluding sites that don't work well with responsive width sometime this week. I'm still unsure of the way I'll deal with them.
Yeah, I noticed the player didn't scale in size when I visited NPR. I'll work on excluding sites that don't work well with responsive width sometime this week. I'm still unsure of the way I'll deal with them.
Sounds good. In the meantime, should I set the responsive width back to 0 in the ACP?
If you do it will fix this issue, yes. Or you can compromise and set it to a lower value like 560. On desktop you'll still get some empty space around small embeds that don't support fluid width but those that do (like YouTube, etc...) will work better on mobile.
@Rambro You know what, I don't know when or whether I'll find a really good solution for those problematic embeds so I went ahead and manually blacklisted Amazon, Medium and NPR. They won't try to be responsive even if you set a max responsive width. That solves your problem today while I take my time to find a long term solution.
@Rambro You know what, I don't know when or whether I'll find a really good solution for those problematic embeds so I went ahead and manually blacklisted Amazon, Medium and NPR. They won't try to be responsive even if you set a max responsive width. That solves your problem today while I take my time to find a long term solution.
Use the amazon API and create your own embed elements, it's what I did for Amazon and it allows for choice of building text-only, image only, or custom full embed with a bbcode param. It's more custom addon area than bbcode area though since you would literally have to build the embed out of json responses, doable but beyond the scope of what you currently and normally do with the s9e pack.
@Rambro You know what, I don't know when or whether I'll find a really good solution for those problematic embeds so I went ahead and manually blacklisted Amazon, Medium and NPR. They won't try to be responsive even if you set a max responsive width. That solves your problem today while I take my time to find a long term solution.
Sweet. Thanks for the fix.
Oh, right. Change the max responsive embed width to force an update, then you can change it back to the original value. Something must be cached by XenForo.
@jeffwidman Oh, that sucks then. :( It worked fine when I tested locally. Did you upgrade using the files from GitHub rather than the archive posted here on XenForo.com by any chance?

By the way, I can confirm that the "videos" category doesn't get enabled when upgrading via the "Add-on Install & Upgrade" add-on and in that case it needs to be enabled manually. It looks like a bug, I posted in the add-on's thread to see what it is.
@JoshyPHP 2 questions for you:

Is there anything going on with the liveleak plugin? I noticed that lately it seems to be reporting videos broken or not available much more often. Also, sometimes crashes my browser if too many live leak vids are in the same thread.

YouTube seems to also be running slowly these days for me and I'm getting a report on similar issues with the video embeds giving people browsing problems if there are too many on a page.

Any suggestions for these?
I'm not aware of any problems with either. Although now that you mention it, I had a couple of times this week when my computer felt suddenly sluggish when I had YouTube vids in a background tabs. It's not related to the add-on but it might be possible that YouTube's been trying out things this week.

Too many Flash videos do tend to crash browsers. It's the way browsers plugins work unfortunately. My best suggestion is to enable "Click to Play" in your browser.
I'm not aware of any problems with either. Although now that you mention it, I had a couple of times this week when my computer felt suddenly sluggish when I had YouTube vids in a background tabs. It's not related to the add-on but it might be possible that YouTube's been trying out things this week.

Too many Flash videos do tend to crash browsers. It's the way browsers plugins work unfortunately. My best suggestion is to enable "Click to Play" in your browser.
I've advised that, but have noticed the same thing as you with the YouTube vids and slowdowns, so I suspect that's what they're *****ing about. I've got threads where all the links are video embeds, so its definitely not auto-playing every post in a thread. The LiveLeak thing is weird. Sometimes the videos show up as offline, or not available, and then suddenly work, and then suddenly are back to being busted again. And with their embeds I get a similar slowdown effect like YouTube.
JoshyPHP updated s9e Media BBCodes pack with a new update entry:

Added experimental option that improves page loading

An option has been added to the options page: "Defer loading embedded content until it's visible". It is disabled by default.

When enabled, videos and other embedded content will be loaded as the users scroll to them. Pages with many videos will load faster and use less memory, but scrolling through many videos will feel less smooth.

If you use this feature, I'd like to hear your feedback. This is an experimental feature that may be removed depending on feedback, or lack thereof.

Read the rest of this update entry...
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