s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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So will this revert the ebay links back to long links when I update?
No. XenForo doesn't save the original link. Once they're turned into MEDIA tags, they're lost forever. I've posted a procedure to rebuild links in the following post: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/s9e-media-bbcodes-pack.61883/page-55#post-864869

How would I make the videos responsive for the width and height? I really only care about Youtube.
If you know PHP you can implement a custom callback as described in https://github.com/s9e/XenForoMediaBBCodes/blob/master/docs/CustomCallbacks.md
Otherwise, you can install your own YouTube definition and put "youtube" in the list of sites not to overwrite.
I've just installed this on my test site to check it out before installing on my live site. I do like it that you can easily toggle on and off the categories of sites.

I have some questions though:

  1. I choose specific sizes for videos on my site (usually 600 x 360). Is there a way for me to override the settings in your pack (I notice that YouTube from your pack displays smaller)?
  2. Would it be possible to either break down some of the categories further, or have a 'default XenForo' category with the default media codes that come with Xenforo? Basically all I use are the default sites and the gaming sites, I don't really want all of the additional sites that come in the Miscellaneous and Social categories.
Thanks. :)

I didn't realize it was going to overwrite the existing ones. Where do I define YouTube to not overwrite? Thanks
Just seen this and ideally that's what I want, the default ones plus your gaming category.
I didn't realize it was going to overwrite the existing ones. Where do I define YouTube to not overwrite? Thanks
Go to your admin panel and search for "excluded sites" in the top right.

  1. I choose specific sizes for videos on my site (usually 600 x 360). Is there a way for me to override the settings in your pack (I notice that YouTube from your pack displays smaller)?
  2. Would it be possible to either break down some of the categories further, or have a 'default XenForo' category with the default media codes that come with Xenforo? Basically all I use are the default sites and the gaming sites, I don't really want all of the additional sites that come in the Miscellaneous and Social categories.
  1. You can use a custom callback if you know PHP. Otherwise I'm open to suggestions. Most players are normalized to 560 × 315, the default size for YouTube's player.
  2. I'd have to think about it. The Misc category is already pretty close to the default list in XenForo. Is there a specific reason you don't want to install the other sites in that category?
Go to your admin panel and search for "excluded sites" in the top right.

  1. You can use a custom callback if you know PHP. Otherwise I'm open to suggestions. Most players are normalized to 560 × 315, the default size for YouTube's player.
  2. I'd have to think about it. The Misc category is already pretty close to the default list in XenForo. Is there a specific reason you don't want to install the other sites in that category?
  1. I'm not that familiar with PHP and probably many users aren't either, so an easy way to set a default size would be useful. As for YouTube, yes the initial embed size is 560 x 315 but there's several other siuzes that you can configure on their site for the embed. I use the next one up, 600 x 360 and there are others too.
  2. The misc category is much much bigger than the default list in XenForo going by your list. Also Facebook is in your social category. I don't really want to install media sites that we don't have a need for, plus it keeps it simple for my forum users.
I hope this makes sense. :)
When you say a default size, what do you mean exactly? Embeds use a variety of aspect ratio, that's why there cannot be one size that fits all. I could provide a text box where sizes for individual players could be set, as mentionned in this previous post. What do you think?

If XenForo had an efficient way to display a hundred checkboxes I'd let users toggle each site individually, but so far I haven't found a good way to do that.
When you say a default size, what do you mean exactly?
I meant a size that the admin can specify for sites use. All the ones on my site I edited to 600 x 360 which works for these but I see your point in that not all sites would suit a one size fits all.

The text box idea as per your previous post would be a good solution for resizing individual players.

I understand the check box issue that you're referring to so I know you can't have a toggle for every single site. Maybe the misc could be broken down slightly more, maybe splitting off the default sites so users can have just the 'XenForo default' ones?

I guess I can just use the Excluded option to remove the sites I don't want.

Sorry, I'm not meaning to be negative about the changes you have made and I do appreciate your hard work and what this add-on has given me, I hope you can understand where I'm coming from with these suggestions.
Last edited:
I've thought about the issue of customisable dimensions today. I don't know how good configuring each media site individually is, considering the add-on supports nearly a hundred of them. Right now what I'd like to do is have a customisable min/max width and automatically adjust the size of each embed with the correct aspect ratio. That comes with its own set of challenges (some embeds such as Twitter's tweets don't have a fixed ratio, their height adapts to its content) and I don't know how much work it will require yet. I'll update when I know more.
Joshy Can you please fix this? I get this error when i try to put a movie:

The following error occurred:
Missing argument 4 for s9e_MediaBBCodes::match()
  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in s9e/MediaBBCodes.php at line 455
  2. s9e_MediaBBCodes::match()
  3. call_user_func_array() in XenForo/Helper/Media.php at line 89
  4. XenForo_Helper_Media->_getMediaKeyFromCallback() in XenForo/Helper/Media.php at line 60
  5. XenForo_Helper_Media->_convertMediaLinkToEmbedHtml() in XenForo/Helper/Media.php at line 39
  6. XenForo_Helper_Media::convertMediaLinkToEmbedHtml() in XenForo/ControllerPublic/Editor.php at line 32
  7. XenForo_ControllerPublic_Editor->actionMedia() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 347
  8. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  9. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/rahstyl1/public_html/forum/index.php at line 13
The following error occurred:
Missing argument 4 for s9e_MediaBBCodes::match()
  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in s9e/MediaBBCodes.php at line 455
  2. s9e_MediaBBCodes::match()
  3. call_user_func_array() in XenForo/Helper/Media.php at line 89
  4. XenForo_Helper_Media->_getMediaKeyFromCallback() in XenForo/Helper/Media.php at line 60
  5. XenForo_Helper_Media->_convertMediaLinkToEmbedHtml() in XenForo/Helper/Media.php at line 39
  6. XenForo_Helper_Media::convertMediaLinkToEmbedHtml() in XenForo/ControllerPublic/Editor.php at line 32
  7. XenForo_ControllerPublic_Editor->actionMedia() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 347
  8. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  9. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/rahstyl1/public_html/forum/index.php at line 13
Older versions of this add-on worked with older versions of XenForo. The current version of this add-on works with the current version of XenForo. You can find older versions in the Updates tab.
Older versions of this add-on worked with older versions of XenForo. The current version of this add-on works with the current version of XenForo. You can find older versions in the Updates tab.
That sucks dude.. How do i downgrade it? and what is the latest version that works for 1.3?
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