Add-on Redactor Editor

Love the design for a mobile device. Any pointers on how you went about it?
It's quite good on the desktop. Much leaner/meaner/cleaner. Easier to manage attachements too (I've changed how these are handled).

I accomplished the editor style by setting most of the superfluous TinyMCE elements to display: none, fixed up the resulting layout nightmare. Then I replaced the buttons with a custom webfont. They're set with css like:
.xenForoSkin span.mce_link:before{content: "\e019";}

There's also template hacks, and I can't remember how much of the Xenforo core I messed with. You can accomplish most of it with new styles.

TinyMCE is a complete cluster-F of tables-based markup for what should be no more than a couple of unordered lists with links. It's not very fun making it look modern ;)
Just a feedback to confirm it's possible to get rid of the TinyMCE popupinline addon and replace it with the jQuery Tools overlay. I've just did it for the image button, but I'm not going to go further because I would need to recode the XenForo TinyMCE image insertion js (and then the one of others buttons: media, code/php/html, url)and I'm lazy to do it .

Here is an example of what to do:
1) for the editor_template.js, see this code: (code based of what I done with the MarkItUp Editor)
2) create a new template called "editor_dialog_fast_image" and paste this code:
3) create a css template called "editor_dialog_fast.css" and paste this code:

You can test, the popup appears super fast. But as I said, now the insertion function must be coded.

I just wanted to show that it was possible to do it. I hope XenForo developers will take this into consideration. :)
Just a feedback to confirm it's possible to get rid of the TinyMCE popupinline addon and replace it with the jQuery Tools overlay. I've just did it for the image button, but I'm not going to go further because I would need to recode the XenForo TinyMCE image insertion js (and then the one of others buttons: media, code/php/html, url)and I'm lazy to do it .

Here is an example of what to do:
1) for the editor_template.js, see this code:
2) create a new template called "editor_dialog_fast_image" and paste this code:
3) create a css template called "editor_dialog_fast.css" and paste this code:

You can test, the popup appears super fast. But as I said, now the insertion function must be coded.

I just wanted to show that it was possible to do it. I hope XenForo developers will take this into consideration. :)
Suggestion: build this out as a proper add-on, or even just a hack/replacement. Sell it for at least $50 a pop.

Everyone hates the crazy iframe overlay, plenty of customers.
Suggestion: build this out as a proper add-on, or even just a hack/replacement. Sell it for at least $50 a pop.

Everyone hates the crazy iframe overlay, plenty of customers.
I've just spent the last ten days to recode the MarkItUp integrator... if I do this my wife kills me...So for my safety I'm going to decline ^^
And anyway 50 dollars for this would be far too much.
Let's wait 1 month to see how goes the trial and if KAM don't plan to do this modification, I will do it.
honestly, who needs all those many buttons in the editor ? There are only a few which are really needed.....

I have no clue what you guys are talking about, but isn't it possible to create those couple buttons with some JS and CSS and get rid of those 3rd-party editors ?
Who needs BB-code anyway ? :rolleyes: I never saw any BB-code at Facebook, Twitter .... and it seems those websites are quite successful without BB-code :cautious:
honestly, who needs all those many buttons in the editor ? There are only a few which are really needed.....
Who needs BB-code anyway ? :rolleyes:
I do :rolleyes:

This thread is about wysiwyg editor I guess, not bbcode editor.

I never saw any BB-code at Facebook, Twitter .... and it seems those websites are quite successful without BB-code
... let's not compare a forum (actually if XenForo wins its trial, it will certainly become more than a forum) with those "social" scripts please.

If you don't want all the editor buttons, just use the buttons manager ;)
I do :rolleyes:

This thread is about wysiwyg editor I guess, not bbcode editor.

... let's not compare a forum (actually if XenForo wins its trial, it will certainly become more than a forum) with those "social" scripts please.

If you don't want all the editor buttons, just use the buttons manager ;)

The issue is that there's no middle-ground. With most forum software you can either have a lonely textarea or fire-up TinyMCE all of its glory, when you only need a fraction of the functionality. Obviously, I'm leaning far more towards the minimalist camp.

Our "legacy" ideas of what a forum should be will IMO, only end up holding us back. It's important to not lose sight of how people are actually interacting within their forums today. I think most users simply want to easily exchange information and photos among their community, with the least amount of obstacles in their path. The editor should barely be noticed or seen.

The point raised about Facebook/Pinterest/Tumblr/etc is very relevant. These platforms place a priority on the content rather than the platform. Most forum software(including Xenforo) is more about the platform itself, clinging to old and ineffective ideas (extra widgets and UI elements like breadcrumb nav where it's not required, "bbCode", bloated-editors). Much of it is simply superfluous, and I'd much rather see that energy directed towards getting the basics right.
The issue is that there's no middle-ground. With most forum software you can either have a lonely textarea or fire-up TinyMCE all of its glory, when you only need a fraction of the functionality. Obviously, I'm leaning far more towards the minimalist camp.

Our "legacy" ideas of what a forum should be will IMO, only end up holding us back. It's important to not lose sight of how people are actually interacting within their forums today. I think most users simply want to easily exchange information and photos among their community, with the least amount of obstacles in their path. The editor should barely be noticed or seen.

The point raised about Facebook/Pinterest/Tumblr/etc is very relevant. These platforms place a priority on the content rather than the platform. Most forum software(including Xenforo) is more about the platform itself, clinging to old and ineffective ideas (extra widgets and UI elements like breadcrumb nav where it's not required, "bbCode", bloated-editors). Much of it is simply superfluous, and I'd much rather see that energy directed towards getting the basics right.

I think we are not talking about the same thing. What are you calling "bbcodes"?

Now, that my opinion, but a forum is a place to debate and exchange opinions. Not a place to glorify its own ego or promote oneself putting everywhere his own pictures. When some articles are put on a forum to create a debate, a good editor is needed, especially because an article has several levels of reading. Of course those tools are may be not needed for all usergroups, but for redactors, it's obvious.

So what you asking is a customized editor for usergroups? For example one for editor, one for readers? You can do this with TinyMCE on XenForo with the button manager.

If you don't like TinyMCE and want a "bbcode" editor (not a wysiwyg), use can use the Minorin of Luke or my integration of MarkItup.
Now, that my opinion, but a forum is a place to debate and exchange opinions. Not a place to glorify its own ego or promote oneself putting everywhere his own pictures. ...
That seems a bit harsh, but it's close to what some forums are used for, and they're absolutely thriving! In fact, they're probably some of the busiest sites. Our members are huge vintage watch enthusiasts. It's all about finding rare pieces, exchanging photos and information. There's not a lot of ego, but the place is covered in photos (around 2800 threads, over 8000 photos). We're not very big, but that gives you a good idea regarding the ratio.

I'm simply after a much more streamlined editor, with basic functionality to accomodate the needs of normal people. I wish visitors were never exposed to things like
elements when replying to a message, etc. It seems very inelegant and downright old fashioned.

Pinterest, Tumblr, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc (name any big community), all have talented designers and people in charge of user experience. They know very well that their visitors don't want to see "computer codes", they just want the site to work.

Your use case for a full-featured editor is certainly valid under some certain circumstances by the way, I get that, I just don't think it's what a typical site requires. It's far more edge-case.

I don't intend for any of this to sound harsh or condescending (it reads worse in text), I'd just like to make things better for Xenforo and our communities.

I didn't want to be harsh ^^ That's just my vision of social networks... and my maybe my vision of today mass society, but I don't say my opinion is the right one. Nevertheless I don't remember to have seen bold/italic/underline options on those social networks...

For Bb Codes editor... I've started with them (vB 2.x), so I'm totally subjective. I just love them because they are super fast and give you a full control of the content of message, especially with a preview system. And to post articles, it's better than direct html input (uniformised content for a coherent display).

Now, you're right the future is to wysiwyg editors, may be "light ones" as Redactor, which is really good. But this editor doesn't work with IE7 (providing the information on its website)... and some people can't afford this, especially if you target companies. And this Editor will also have to modify some behaviour of basic buttons (see my explanation above about text selection on mobile/touch screens).

But I'm sure Full wysiwyg editors such as TinyMCE or CK Editor are not dead ^^ Just look at the new CK Editor... It's fast and good looking too. I'm curious to see what will be TinyMCE 4.0 (is supposed to be launched this year). These editors also have the huge advantage to be popular. So even if TinyMCE official free support is not that good (except its API), it's easy to find a lot of information.

Let's wait a few month to have some news from KAM :)
So what you asking is a customized editor for usergroups? For example one for editor, one for readers? You can do this with TinyMCE on XenForo with the button manager.

Good to know about this!

I think most forum users don't need much more than a quote button if that. When you get to writing articles the full editor does come in handy.
Now, you're right the future is to wysiwyg editors, may be "light ones" as Redactor, which is really good. But this editor doesn't work with IE7 (providing the information on its website)... and some people can't afford this, especially if you target companies. And this Editor will also have to modify some behaviour of basic buttons (see my explanation above about text selection on mobile/touch screens).
I think it's time for us to stop adding any fixes or catering to software as old as IE7 (unless a contract explicitly requires supporting it).

Anyone using that browser is likely very familiar with broken sites and missing functionality anyhow. No sympathy from me.

My standard note:
<!--[if (lte IE 8)]>
Your internet browser is too old for our site.

We're committed to supporting popular devices of the present and beyond. Sometimes this means letting go of the past. Although a more basic version of our site is still functional, we recommend updating your browser to enjoy a better experience and improved security everywhere.
Any news about using redactor with xf?
Anybody having an addon for this?
I'm not aware of anyone actually working on this right now.

Unfortunately, TinyMCE is fairly integrated with XenForo.

I'm also waiting for news regarding this. I'd really love to see TinyMCE go away, forever. I'd happily contribute cash to someone who could get Redactor or their own minimalist/non-bbCode editor going.
Redactor license isn't exactly cheap for this sort of thing. And being a HTML editor I can see issues with it for this type of editor. Would love for tinymce to die though, forever, in pain...
Redactor license isn't exactly cheap for this sort of thing. And being a HTML editor I can see issues with it for this type of editor. Would love for tinymce to die though, forever, in pain...
Seems cheap enough. Someone could buy the OEM license and then price their add-on around $50 (as a minimum).

I think this quote on their site is relevant.
Redactor is a professional tool. If you're just playing around and need some free stuff — choose TinyMCE, CKEditor, etc

In fairness to crusty 'ol TinyMCE, the best implementation of it out there is probably Tumblr. However, they've really stripped it back and done some heavy customization:

I wouldn't be surprised if they ditched it in the near future, given how awful the TinyMCE markup is.
That is also if they let someone purchase it for that. The developer behind Laravel wanted to purchase that license for people to use in Laravel but they denied them.
That is also if they let someone purchase it for that. The developer behind Laravel wanted to purchase that license for people to use in Laravel but they denied them.
Ah, that's a shame.

Well, if it's any added motivation to the devs out here, I'd happily pay $100 (or more? if needed) for an add-on that replaces all TinyMCE functionality with something like Redactor. I'd also buy my own license for it.

I've never really understood why we need to use bbCode as an intermediary, or anywhere at all. It just seems like an unnecessary middle-man when a small subset of white listed HTML tags could do the same thing. Of course, I would never expose users to HTML or bbCode in any case (it's completely unnecessary, none of our users need to see code). For things like quoted text, I'd much prefer to simply see the styled quote displayed inline vs ugly tags.
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