Add-on Redactor Editor

Reviewing things in Chrome's web inspector, SC is a pretty lean editor. For some reason it's loading emoticons before they're needed. The pngs aren't very optimised either. If you don't count the emoticons, it's a very small payload to fire up the whole editor. Notice how much faster it pops up compared to TinyMCE (on a fresh cache)?

We could do a more minimal toolbar for for SC, replacing all of the png images with a single custom icon webfont. It looks very easy to tidy up and modernise.
Although it's nice for new projects (minus the licensing), I don't see why any existing project should want to switch to this over TinyMCE, which works perfectly well. Any speed improvements you may have are negligible because they are hardly humanly noticeable, granted I haven't written up any huge posts in TinyMCE, but from my experience it works smooth as can be.

For the mentioned features, TinyMCE has an equivalent feature for each of those.

I'm by no means against this new editor, it looks slick! But from a developers perspective I'd be against spending much time implementing something that doesn't add any actual value over the existing implementation, when that time could be spend in so much more useful ways.
It works perfectly horrid.
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