Random Thoughts...

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I need to find someone who is crazy about gaming, knows xenforo, and will be as active as me for a partner in crime. LOL
I've got 3 dedicated staff members but they're not XF savvy :(
Going to open up a 3rd gaming forum in a few days I need help to juggle these hobbies of mine XD

Some day.... SOME DAY
lol @ that thread getting closed before I could reply. Sometimes people come to me, mostly friends of friends and ask me to create a site for them. I always tell em the hardest part is finding a good host. They usually don't understand what all that entails. I've had a site for almost 3 years now and have been through several hosts. I can honestly say out of everything I've done webmaster-related, settling down with a good host is the most difficult. I'll be glad when I can one day find a host I can suggest to all the people who ask me about creating a site for. What I have right now is Slavik's service but it's like closed to the public or something.
I need to find someone who is crazy about gaming, knows xenforo, and will be as active as me for a partner in crime. LOL
I've got 3 dedicated staff members but they're not XF savvy :(
Going to open up a 3rd gaming forum in a few days I need help to juggle these hobbies of mine XD

Some day.... SOME DAY
What's wrong with Game Freeze?
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