RageCageGaming.com - Love and Hate of Video Games


Well-known member
Alright, time for my maiden post on the official XenForo forums! I about cracked sooner to ask for some help coding modules, but I managed to piece together things from doing a bunch of forum lurking. :cautious:

Version: Xenforo 1.1.3
Prominent Add-Ons: XenPorta, XenMedio, SteamAuth, Shoutbox
Link: http://ragecagegaming.com (language warning)

Update: 12/16/2012
Website has now been completely revamped. Forums have been moved to a sub-directory with the main website now showing the most important content relative to our community.

The style is based off a public theme, but I'm in the process of tweaking it to make it look unique. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Even comments or criticism, like "Man, you failed to support IE6 with all of those transparent PNGs. What a horrible web developer you are." or "Wow, a spinning image without using JavaScript? That's some CSS sorcery right there!"

Heck, just comment on this thread even if you didn't look at the website. After all, I'm sinking terrible amounts of time into a website that five people use. I'm lonely and need people to talk to.

Update: 2/14/2012
Luke B pointed out that the website didn't have a good enough identity when it came to the logo and name. So I set out to fix it and created a whole new logo. I think it's much more fitting now.

Unfortunately, this made me drop the old dark theme I created and used to match the old logo. In the process of thinking of a new design I came across the Aurora theme. All I can say is wow... What a match for what I was looking for.

The template is great and now it's just a matter of customizing it to make it a bit more unique.

Thoughts, suggestions, or comments? I'd love to hear feedback to make this website even better.

Also: If anybody has a good idea on how to let my users exchange files (like game replays and such) bonus point to you. Even if somebody knows a good 3rd party file sharing script that I can create a simple bridge to XenForo. I'm not a php guru, but I can certainly figure things out if necessary.
Looks good! Search bar is a bit iffy though. Might want to put up a different quick nav icon too, one that will match better.

How did you do your mumble widget? Been looking into making one, but if you could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it immensely!
Looks pretty darn good so far. Its nice and clean (just my style). The logo looks great but It's not clear to me right away what the site is about. A bit too much open space in the header.
Keep up the great work!
Love the style, nice feel, only problem I see is this. When I have it windowed it looks great, but on my monitor if it's maximized it looks like this:


It just looks odd having the centered content and the header and footer being spread out.

Nice work though!
Love the style, nice feel, only problem I see is this. When I have it windowed it looks great, but on my monitor if it's maximized it looks like this:

View attachment 20058

It just looks odd having the centered content and the header and footer being spread out.

Nice work though!
Yeah, I was going to suggest to align the header with the footer, this way just feels uncomfortable

Looks good! Search bar is a bit iffy though. Might want to put up a different quick nav icon too, one that will match better.

How did you do your mumble widget? Been looking into making one, but if you could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it immensely!

I'll have to style that search bar at some point. For some reason, finding the proper CSS class to change is alluding me at this moment so I'll have to tackle it tomorrow after work. As for the quicknav icon, I've changed the hue and darkened it a bit.

For Mumble, I have a voice server hosted with Nuclear Fallout, and they use DBus to manage it. I believe [but don't quote me] that DBus also has a feature that spits out server statuses that you can stylize (the wiki says Mumble comes with a Perl script, though. So I don't know if you even need DBus.). So what I did was create a module for XenPorta that passes the html code. I can provide the code for you if it'll help your situation.

Looks pretty darn good so far. Its nice and clean (just my style). The logo looks great but It's not clear to me right away what the site is about. A bit too much open space in the header.
Keep up the great work!

Thank you. I'm in the process of thinking what I'll do to make our identity a bit more prominent. Not sure how I'll convey it just yet, but I'm sure something will come up. :D


To both Bambua and Lucas, thank you for pointing that out. I centered my content and it looks a lot better now. Thank you both for the suggestion.
Hello everyone,

It's been a couple of months, and I was thinking what Luke had mentioned earlier in this thread. I decided to revamp the image of the Rage Cage. I ended up creating a new logo for the community and I think it's much more fitting than the previous one (which you can see in this thread as well).

Tell me what you guys think of it.

As for the template, I'm not sure what I want to do yet to make it a bit more my "own" persay. Akrion did an amazing job on the design and I don't even know where to start. :ROFLMAO:
How is the slider thingy configured? Can you show the settings?
It changes very nicely when you mouse over it.

I believe it's the default Accordion setting in XenPorta. But this is what it's currently set to:
Limit: 4
Height: 250
Width: 500
Anchor: Center
Summary Height: 85
Length of Titles: 50
Max Lenght of Story: 175
Stick Slides: Off
Caching every 1 hour.

It might also help that I try to make the images the same size as the slide. So that way it's not loading large image files.
Really nice... though to be honest.. way to many gaming websites and forums on the net... I'm surprised some people can get a community growing.

But I think you will do well.
Website has been updated a lot since my last post here. Tell me what you guys think, what colors I should change, anything that needs to be added or removed, etc. Feedback would be awesome.
Very nice looking, how did you make that Mumble block?

Thank you Mike. The mumble block is a piggy back off a service our current host does. They provide a script (I believe it's via DBus) that spits out html. I setup a XenPorta block to include that html code and styled it with a style sheet. I'd imagine it could be used in other cases, like with ICE.

I also used regex on the home page to break that html down further. It counts the number of names to count the number of people on the server, and to display their names with a little tooltip flair for special users.

Very nice looking site (frontpage) and forum. Excellent work especially like the header very nice design. (y)

Thank you for the feedback Shelley. Glad to hear the header is gelling with people. I was worried that it might have been taking up too much space at first, but it seemed to flow quite well once everything was in place.
Sorry for the double, but I've moved my forum nodes around a bit and added the notifications add-on.

I've also been in the process of fixing the SteamAuth resource, using my website as a test bed. If anybody is willing and has a steam account, please give it a shot and try registering. In theory, nothing should error out anymore (except for maybe the steambadge).
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