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(This will make me sound cheap... Don't hate me!)

I love XenForo and would love to buy a copy of it but,
A do think it's a little over priced at $150 with no branding removal, and yes i know it needs to pay the developers but is it worth it? My friend gave me a nulled version which I didn't think was fair and didn't use it but $150? Sure it's got some amazing features, but i'd rather pay something like $90 for it.

(Getting ready for the hate...)

But that's just my opinion, and at the moment I won't be able to pay that amount, with paypal anyways.

What's your opinion?
Thanks, and sorry!
I seriously hate it when people describe XenForo as 'not mature'. There is a world of difference between 'not mature' and 'new'.

To be honest if the word 'mature' comes into it I would say its more mature. Lets have it in a real context

Mature technology, a term indicating that a technology has been in use and development for long enough that most of its initial problems have been overcome

Well to me I would say that describes xenforo quite well, whether its 12 month old or not. Besides, if its not 'mature' why are we all here? All this talk by people of not being able to do xyz in xenforo but being able to do it in other products IMO is MASSIVELY overstated. By the time you play about with modifications on here there is actually very very little you cant do. There are the odd few annoyances granted, for example it really bugs me that every post needs to be moderated rather than just the main topic. However in the same respect it bugs me that you cant search the ACP as effectivly in vbulletin, it bugs me that you cant upload and place images into your posts as easily in IPB, it bugs me there is no decent plugin system for aspplayground. Gimme 10 things you cant do in any other piece of software and I'll give you 10 in return.

Xenforo is NOT a 'non mature' product in the slightest. In fact quite the opposite.
I was surprised when XenForo was actually cheaper than my server cost for a year ^^

I agree with everyone that said 140$ is actually a low price for such a fantastic software! If you can't afford it, it's best to go for a free solution and wait till when you can switch to a premium solution.

It is cheaper than my server cost for 3 weeks.
I have a bottle of bourbon. I have had it for about 3 years and might be half full.

I am what I think people in Europe would call a tea totteler. I have a 12 pack of beer that is not a 2 year old 9 pack. I am going to toss it out because of it's age.
I have a 12 pack of beer that is not a 2 year old 9 pack. I am going to toss it out because of it's age.

I lived in a share apartment that had a case of beer like that too.. couldn't get rid of it.. but then again it was Swan Lite (Aussies will know why)

hehe.. to drink or not to drink? That is the big question, but not one that troubles your average Aussie too greatly I have to confess ;)

You're obviously a very clean living soul Jon :)
Well, the thing is that if this was just another forum developed by unknown coders/developers then yes, 140 dollars would be very pricy for a new forum.

But seeing the fact that it is developed and managed by Kier, Mike and Ashley who are very well known in their field, then the price is very reasonable and very much worth it in my opinion. Because we know for sure that this forum has and it will always have quality and stability.
I can read just fine. What I have read is that you feel XenForo isn't worth $140
I didn't say It wasn't worth it, or say that i will use a nulled version, which I haven't nor did i say "Lower the price for me, or else, I will use a nulled version" Like I'v already said, I refuse to use a Nulled version because the people who make xenforo have spent allot of time working and making a perfect forum software, which i don't think is acceptable, i would rather pay the developers for their hard work.

And yes i know I'm new, but If you see my sign up date you will easily see that i scan the forums all the time.

If you really want to troll me because I'm 'new' Then that's just someone who judge's people too easily.
I'm fine with spending the rest of my evening arguing, but at the moment I'd rather not waste my time with ignorant people.

Also Like I said if you read, I'm buying XenForo In the next upcoming week, so theirs no need to troll me anymore.

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