Post Rating / Reputation


Well-known member
Likes are freeform and can represent whatever you like - thanks to the author, an endorsement of the work, appreciation of the idea etc...

Ratings on the other hand are strictly related to the quality and or usefulness of the resource.
You have just described exactly why some sites need a reputation system or a post ratign system. Some sites need to rate the quality and usefulness of post content. This is substantially different than social endorsement of the author or appreciation of the idea.
Some sites need to rate the quality and usefulness of post content. This is substantially different than social endorsement of the author or appreciation of the idea.

If you change "likes" to a dropdown you can add more "labels" such as "troll". You can even make it fun, so instead of having a drop down it could be a 100x200 box with stickers in a sidebar. These stickers would be "Likes" except there would be more than just one, maybe "dislike, monocle, wat" stickers. Users would then take the sticker "Wat (a confused face)" and drag it upon a post thus rating it.

Depending on what stickers/rating the poster has received that post will be labeled, and the accumulative points of that user is shown in the profile. Maybe even an anonymous system to show the rankings that user has received as well.

I firmly believe the "like" system must allow for more options, although I don't know if it should be a priority that the team should spend time grinding it out over other things. It would be a solid add-on that I would use, just giving the option to add more than just "like."
Likes are freeform and can represent whatever you like - thanks to the author, an endorsement of the work, appreciation of the idea etc...

Ratings on the other hand are strictly related to the quality and or usefulness of the resource.

Personally, I see each system as individually beneficial for something like a resource.

So should threads get ratings in that case?
You have just described exactly why some sites need a reputation system or a post ratign system. Some sites need to rate the quality and usefulness of post content. This is substantially different than social endorsement of the author or appreciation of the idea.
Yes, exactly. Post rating is much needed feature.
In all the sites I've used or run myself, post rating has gone unused for the most part.
Well maybe but not the all forums.
Post rating system should be more advance than vB's and have more control like enable/disable option per forum basis, so we can easily switch off if not needed in some forums.
My big board revolves around reputation and we use reputation exclusively to rate post quality. (there is no social aspect to it) I have over 100.000 reputation ratings in my database.
Well think of the masses instead of your big board. In my past foruming, big communities and small ones, having a reputation feature, implemented in the core software, would be a waste. Your big forum that frequently uses vB's rep system, is probably the only one of 100 other forums using vBulletin, maybe even more. I've never relied on such a small feature, I'd rather have the members focus upon the content and using the "Like" function instead as it is simple to use and effective.

An addon would suffice for those who want this in their forum, not to be in the core. Why would Kier make it so it's just another vBulletin with a different style?
I can assure you that you are wrong. There are many websites that use reputation. The lack of reputation functions was a major issue for many people who wanted to migrate from vb to IPB and therefore IPB has added this to their product and filled that popular demand. A reputation function can be just as simple to use. I've just overhauled the reputation system into a star rating system, on one of my sites and its just as easy and simple as the like system. And it looks nice too.

I'm sure that if Kier and Mike would ever add a reputation system, it would be executed in a manner that is superior to what you know as reputation systems.
I can assure you that you are wrong. There are many websites that use reputation. The lack of reputation functions was a major issue for many people who wanted to migrate from vb to IPB and therefore IPB has added this to their product and filled that popular demand. A reputation function can be just as simple to use. I've just overhauled the reputation system into a star rating system, on one of my sites and its just as easy and simple as the like system. And it looks nice too.

I'm sure that if Kier and Mike would ever add a reputation system, it would be executed in a manner that is superior to what you know as reputation systems.
Reputation and such seems redundant when there is already likes and trophy points.
Reputation and such seems redundant when there is already likes and trophy points.
Not at all. Likes has important limitations which I explain in this post:
Just like vbulletin reputation lacks notifications & post visibility, it also lacks a moderation queue and a report function. I have added all that and much more and it makes my big board almost community moderated and without abuse. The reputation system drives up my post quality to the extreme, and quickly gets rid of trolls and problem makers.

XF has implemented notifications beautifully and its great that its a 1 click function.
  • The likes system offers no possibility to let the community address inappropriate content. If a bad post is not reported, it does not affect the poster at all.
  • If I hit the like button, then does that mean I like you, or find your avatar hot, or want to give you some kudos, or does it relate to post quality?
  • It doesnt say if I like the post a little, average or if its my favorite.
  • It does not give any way to let you know how to improve your posts or what I like about your post.

On forums content is king. Especially when it comes to SEO. I don't see how the likes function improves post quality.

The notifications do make XF very addictive.
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