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[paid add-on] Ragtek Invite System

  • Thread starter Thread starter ragtek
  • Start date Start date
This is a really nice add-on, but do you think you could make a "import contacts" add-on? Should work with Hotmail, AOL, Gmail and Yahoo!

If you can do this, PM me, I am willing to pay for it.

This is a really nice add-on, but do you think you could make a "import contacts" add-on? Should work with Hotmail, AOL, Gmail and Yahoo!

If you can do this, PM me, I am willing to pay for it.

Yes, this will/should be included, but ATM we have no timeframe for this feature.

Does this track how many people members have bought in?

No, ATM it's not available, BUT the next version should include a "member page tab", where you can see this.
I would gladly chip in on this if it would continue to be supported in later versions of Xen.
If I have 20 private forums, and I invite 30 people, each one has access to a different mix of private forum, there are no way I can set up additional usergroups to do that. It's easier to do it on a per-user basis.
And how should this happen?
ATM i have no plan how to make this;)
Anyway, i've posted it on our dev board http://ragtek.org/xenforo/index.php?threads/set-usergroups-on-registration.12/ maybe somebody else of my team have a good idea for this^^


ATM you can limit groups from using the invite system!

Will it prevent users from inviting themself and register dupe ID from same PC ? Sometimes we do few inviting competation and give away prizes .


ATM you can limit groups from using the invite system!
well meant more like amount of invites allowed per usergroup like newbie can only invite 1 time per x month/year/permanent premium can invite 5 times per week/month/year/permanent
well meant more like amount of invites allowed per usergroup like newbie can only invite 1 time per x month/year/permanent premium can invite 5 times per week/month/year/permanent
I don't like the idea with "limited / time", what i want to implement is working different.

User gots x(0,1,.. whatever the admin sets) invites when he's registering.
The admin have now different ways, to give the users automatic invites.
1. => give him 1 invite for every x posts
2. => give him 1 invite for x recived likes,
3. => give him 1 invite on his birthday
4. => give him 1 invite for (whatever you want;) we plan to make this usable by other 3rd party developers, to be able to extend this)
ok upgraded and clicking on a member to bring the "member card" up give's

No controller response from XenForo_ControllerPublic_Member::actionMember
XenForo_FrontController->_handleControllerResponse() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 318
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/myanimeisland/public_html/index.php at line 15
Turning of your mod fix's this error
ok upgraded and clicking on a member to bring the "member card" up give's

No controller response from XenForo_ControllerPublic_Member::actionMember
XenForo_FrontController->_handleControllerResponse() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 318
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/myanimeisland/public_html/index.php at line 15
Turning of your mod fix's this error
Sorry, i file was broken.

Pls download the package again, reupload the files and try it again
I might not have it set right I don't know how but I've sent out three invites and get all of the invites in my own email with the invite link. I even tried to email one to one of my other sites admin@xxxx.com and I got the thing just as I sent out to two other friends with yahoo.

What could I be doing wrong I am using the candidate 3 though
I might not have it set right I don't know how but I've sent out three invites and get all of the invites in my own email with the invite link. I even tried to email one to one of my other sites admin@xxxx.com and I got the thing just as I sent out to two other friends with yahoo.

What could I be doing wrong I am using the candidate 3 though
Had never this problem, i'll check the add-on code tomorrow.​
I might not have it set right I don't know how but I've sent out three invites and get all of the invites in my own email with the invite link. I even tried to email one to one of my other sites admin@xxxx.com and I got the thing just as I sent out to two other friends with yahoo.

What could I be doing wrong I am using the candidate 3 though

Had never this problem, i'll check the add-on code tomorrow.​

I also have have this error - it sending all invites to my self (the contact email setup in options) so right now - have uninstalled that modules.. Hope you come up with a fix or solution.
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