[Xen-Soluce] Invite System

[Xen-Soluce] Invite System [Paid] 2.4.0 Fix 1

No permission to buy (€25.00)
few questions about invite system add-on before purchasing
  • can site using add-on limit how many invite tokens an user can share? (so members cant just sell 100 invites for profit)
    • if limited invites can be set per user. is there also an option to award so many invites per month.
  • once add-on is enabled can it be disabled without effecting invited users' access
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can site using add-on limit how many invite tokens an user can share? (so members cant just sell 100 invites for profit)
  • if limited invites can be set per user. is there also an option to award so many invites per month.
You can define the number of invitations that a user can generate every x days in the user group permissions: https://gyazo.com/a22d274d70aea3b6dda8eb4ff147c79d

once add-on is enabled can it be disabled without effecting invited users' access
You can delete the adfdon, registered users when an invitation code will still be able to browse the forum

Great addon, however the Copy to clipboard icon doesn't work and throws a runtime error.

Using Xenforo 2.2.9 and Addon version 2.2.2

does it possible that only for a certain group the Invite Codes are required at registration ?
I have Paid VIP Membership registration, and for basic members I want offer Invite Codes for free registration.


does it possible that only for a certain group the Invite Codes are required at registration ?
I have Paid VIP Membership registration, and for basic members I want offer Invite Codes for free registration.
Can this subscription be taken at the time of registration?
when registering with an invitation code the user will be put in the basic user group (so free member)


Can this subscription be taken at the time of registration?
Yes after successfull payment use member get directly assigned to the VIP Group

when registering with an invitation code the user will be put in the basic user group (so free member)
I don't wan't that the user grous except Basic Members required invitations. If you could add the this option, I would buy this addon.

I don't wan't that the user grous except Basic Members required invitations. If you could add the this option, I would buy this addon.
This is already the case, you can authorize that the basic member of gênerais an invitation code, the invitation code will be just a permission to register.

After the purchase if you miss a feature I can make an update


This is already the case, you can authorize that the basic member of gênerais an invitation code, the invitation code will be just a permission to register.

After the purchase if you miss a feature I can make an update

I think you missunderstand me. I would like all members to be able to create invitation codes, but only the basic mebership should have forced to put in their invitation codes. All other groups should not be forced to provide a invitation code (The invitation code field should therefore not be visible on the registration (registration form) for all other groups).

By the way, I just register and try to make a order, but unfortunatelly I am not able to pay with PayPal since they doesn't offer their payment service in my country. I can pay with crypto.
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