
Oreo [Paid] 2.2.15b

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Hello, For some reason I cannot save an image for a link forum. I can save an image normal forums but when attempting to save one for the link forum the patch does not save and appears blank when you go and look at the link forum properties. The link forum displays an node icon instead. Perhaps there is a setting why that is being used and keeping the image path from being saved?
Hello, For some reason I cannot save an image for a link forum. I can save an image normal forums but when attempting to save one for the link forum the patch does not save and appears blank when you go and look at the link forum properties. The link forum displays an node icon instead. Perhaps there is a setting why that is being used and keeping the image path from being saved?

Not sure if this question was best posted here or general forums. Figured since the forums are displayed in a custom theme with an icon I would try here :)
Hello, For some reason I cannot save an image for a link forum. I can save an image normal forums but when attempting to save one for the link forum the patch does not save and appears blank when you go and look at the link forum properties. The link forum displays an node icon instead. Perhaps there is a setting why that is being used and keeping the image path from being saved?
Page and link forums aren’t supported by images but we can make this modification for you to include them in this option just open us a support ticket
Thank you!

I'm trying to achieve a structure where the main page shows images to those forms but sub-forums have a more traditional structure similar to the default xenforo structure of listed forums with no images. Is that possible?
Thank you!

I'm trying to achieve a structure where the main page shows images to those forms but sub-forums have a more traditional structure similar to the default xenforo structure of listed forums with no images. Is that possible?
Sub forums in forum index or inside parent forums?
I was thinking when you go to a forums page to have sub forums listed there. Are either possible. I am experimenting with this and trying to limit all forums/sub forums from having to have a image. If you have a lot of forums that is a a lot of boxes/images.
@DohTheme I would like to see if it is possible to have sub forums on parent page with a typical forum layout. Forums with images on index and a layout like default xenforo on subforums on parent page.

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