Open Attached Images in a Lightbox

Hello Brogan,

Would it be possible to merge this thread, or at least all the suggestions in it to this one: ? We are now discussing the lightbox inside the testforum and since there are such valuable suggestions/feedback available here now, it would be better fitted in the Suggestions forum?

Furthermore, I agree with everyone stating that including all images of 1 page inside the lightbox is not quite beneficial on a forum platform. In fact, this is what I stated myself earlier overhere.
oh man, just pulled it up on my iphone. doesnt even show up, you get a blue question mark where the image is supposed to be, with the filmstrip of thumbs underneath. makes it completely unviewable on mobile phones.
oh man, just pulled it up on my iphone. doesnt even show up, you get a blue question mark where the image is supposed to be, with the filmstrip of thumbs underneath. makes it completely unviewable on mobile phones.

That's what I am saying... viewing images on is no pleasure anymore on the iPhone now. Before the lightbox was there, when you clicked an image it was conveniently shown in a new browser page on the iPhone. A mobile style is definitely needed soon.
, here's my feedback on the newly implemented lightbox (see:
  • Can somebody explain to me why it is needed/handy to display all the images of the whole thread into the lightbox at once? In a real-life situation/the way I use forums I do not want to be confronted with all the images from the entire thread. Why? Because for me the context will be lost then. When people post images in their posting, they add explanatory/introducational text to it: this is the context. When I see the lightbox giving me all the images in the whole thread, I don`t have a clue what I am looking at.

    See the examples here:

    Imagine that one of the 'Single Image' is an image posted in 1 single particular posting in a thread. I want to be able to click on that and that the lightbox presents me that image (and that image only) on it's own. Imagine the 'Image set' in that example to be 4 images in 1 single particular posting. I want to be able to click on one of those images and that the lightbox presents me that images and all other 3 in that posting (and only that posting, because this is where my focus and context is!) I understand others have different needs, but I can not think of any situation where I (on my platform) need to see all the images of the entire thread presented to me. In fact, when I come accross a site that has a highslide or whatever that presents me with all the images from 1 entire page/thread I find it really confusing to be honest.
    I believe such functionality will work great in a Gallery-environment (where the focus is on the images instead of the text), but this is forumsoftware (where the focus is on the text or a combination of the text and the images, most of the time). I hope maybe an ACP option can be provided for those people who want to show only the current images per post inside the XF Lightbox. That (at least for me) would make it really useful
  • I am not quite liking the transparency level of the black background of the XF lightbox. Just take a small attachment/picture and then view it from the lightbox. It looks rather messy to me and is not really that beneficial for a pleasurable viewing experience.

    Example is this: go to the 1st posting in and then view the photo with the phone booth in it. You will see that the background image which is 'shining' through the transparency distracts way to much from the photo in the forefront. The photo should get the emphasizes, but my eyes are trying to make out what is shown in the background. Not good.
  • (more to come...)
(I understand this is just the first version of the lightbox and improvements will be coming. Great we have this now in XenForo!)

In addition to what I said above, I completely agree with the following feedback that has been given:
- if a picture is loading, a "busy-sign" like everywhere else in XF should be shown
This is surely needed, because:
pics are loading pretty slow.....

If possible have the navigation tabs be in the exact same place regardless of picture size, right now they move around
I always hated it with a passion that lightboxes would resize with the content they are showing and thus making the navigation-arrows move to another position every single time an image had a different size. Yuk. I am there to watch the image, not to spend (too much) time moving my mouse around to click on yet another positioned arrow...

So, this is another reason why we definitely need:

would it be possible to control next/prev with keyboard arrow keys?
I think he understands by now that this is a bug, he must have said this about 3-4 times now, It's because it's just picking up all the IMG tags, thus picking up the IMG tag in the sig - I'm guessing he will just attach a class to the sig img and then do a CSS selector in the JS to get all the IMGs in thread bit.. :)
I've (locally) fixed the problem with signature images being picked up, but it turns out that it is not picking up smilies. In fact, the 'smilies' it has picked up are actually not smilies at all they are [IMG] tags linking to smilie images, so the system doesn't know that they are smilies at all.

Take these examples from page 4 of this thread:
This is great! I really love how all attachments from the entire thread can be seen at once... although there should be some sort of separation to illustrate that the attachments are from different posts.

Nice work. [IMG][/IMG]
Really nice.

I think its picking up smilies too...[IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG]
if the lightbox picking all image by a user on the page is intended as you say, please provide an option to limit it the the post or page as it appears from the comments, both are needed.
Another 'issue' is displayed here:

When you first click on the large image ('Click this image to show the full-size version') and then on one of the two 'XenForo' logo-images above it, you will see that the full-sized version of the larger image now lays on top of the lightbox. It would be logical that the lightbox is always on the foreground to prevent situations like this.
I tend to agree with the others that see a lightbox pulling all images in the page as potentially confusing and runs the risk of losing the context in which those images were posted. IMO, the forum software should be about facilitating conversations, and when pictures are PART of the conversation, taking them out of the context in which they were posted can be counter-productive.

I can see that some forums might want to have all images on the page grouped together, but for others I think you'd at least need them visually grouped together not just an attribution (I certainly like the existing attribution though!). As an example scenario: three posters are arguing about the possible ways to implement a specific visual layout for a kitchen. By lumping them all in together, it makes it hard for readers to keep straight who is describing what. It would make using pictures to illustrate differences potentially counter-productive. I think there needs to be a way to easily filter it to show just the current post... Maybe split the thumbnails into two rows? Current post and other images on the page?
The bottom of the lightbox is cut off on my laptop screen (1280 x 800) with large images.


  • screenshot.webp
    47.6 KB · Views: 16
The bottom of the lightbox is cut off on my laptop screen (1280 x 800) with large images.

I justed wanted to report this myself. Another example: ... when I watch the 2 xenforo logo images the lightbox is fine, but when I want to display the huge 'apple' logo image, the bottom of the lightbox is indeed cut off for me (1680 x 1050 monitor res) as well. The old none-lightbox way wasn't so bad, was it?
. But we will be getting there
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