XF 2.2 Notification for ALL New Posts?

Is there any way to get notified of all new posts on the forum?

We run a support forum and find we are missing new posts because we arent subscribed to every thread...and moderators are also missing new posts.

We just want to get an email anytime somone posts something new on the forum.
watching node does not work for posts iirc. it only alerts for threads.
rss would work but xenforo rss by default points to thread and not latest post.
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I've been trying for almost 3 hours to find exactly this place you commented, I saw it in other posts and I still haven't found the answer like yours, which is exactly what I'm looking for... I use Version 2.2.7 and I can't find your words in the search engine or in another option.

Could you help me with the way?

Notification for ALL New Posts

Native language Portuguese, if it gets weird it's the translation
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Members need to watch all forums and when clicking on watch they should tick messages as above.

Alerts stop coming if they don’t follow the link in the email, click on the alert or read the thread though. But there is an addon that forces alerts even without reading the new posts:

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