XF 1.5 not happy with upgrade

3d Dental

Active member
Why do we have to revert changes and then go back and do them again!

It was years since I made changes....now reverting templates and site looks stupid now.

Why force us to do this extra work?

Makes upgrading really not fun and big waste of time for me!

Now I need help and willing to pay for it.
Dude relax. Im willing to help you for any styling you want to change/edit or replace for free. Same thing is happening to me and Im trying to fix some issue regarding styles that are not compatible with xenforo 2.0.
I try the upgrade One more time and this time I change the folders permissions to 777

Now, I try to complete the upgrade and this............

Server Error
Mysqli prepare error: INSERT command denied to user 'xenoforo1'@'' for table 'xf_session_admin'

  1. Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 115
  2. Zend_Db_Statement->__construct() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php at line 381
  3. Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->prepare() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 478
  4. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 574
  5. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->insert() in XenForo/Session.php at line 856
  6. XenForo_Session->saveSessionToSource() in XenForo/Session.php at line 574
  7. XenForo_Session->save() in XenForo/Controller.php at line 414
  8. XenForo_Controller->updateSession() in XenForo/Controller.php at line 358
  9. XenForo_Controller->postDispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 358
  10. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  11. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /data/56/1/75/108/1238271/user/1320221/htdocs/admin.php at line 13
If this is the error that is still happening, then I'm frankly confused at what you've been doing,

Presumably the software was working perfectly fine earlier. None of the things you have mentioned (changing file system permissions, upgrading XF, changing your style) would have caused this. I suppose it's possible that it's an unfortunate coincidence.

But, ultimately, this issue is because the username and password specified in your config.php file doesn't seem to have full access to your XenForo database anymore.

It's worth noting that earlier you may have modified your config.php file or were already experiencing database issues.

Certainly this issue will need to be resolved before any other.
I did it again because the permissions of folders were not 777.
I figured that due to permissions that the upgrade would not have worked as it should.
Correcting the permissions after uploading and 1st attempting to run the upgrade should allow you to then perform the upgrade
But, ultimately, this issue is because the username and password specified in your config.php file doesn't seem to have full access to your XenForo database anymore.
That's what I thought when I saw the error, or a combination of incomplete upload (error when FTPing files) and password/username not right and permissions. But should be really super easy to fix if that was the case
If this is the error that is still happening, then I'm frankly confused at what you've been doing,

Presumably the software was working perfectly fine earlier. None of the things you have mentioned (changing file system permissions, upgrading XF, changing your style) would have caused this. I suppose it's possible that it's an unfortunate coincidence.

But, ultimately, this issue is because the username and password specified in your config.php file doesn't seem to have full access to your XenForo database anymore.

It's worth noting that earlier you may have modified your config.php file or were already experiencing database issues.

Certainly this issue will need to be resolved before any other.

I go to http://3d-dental.com/admin.php where I normally log in and never get a change to enter my user and password!


My config.php is same as always.
As I said multiple times.....my backup is gone.

So, I doubt it!
Your host should have been doing backups that would start overwriting the older ones if they set it up correctly (normally keep 1-2 weeks unless you pay for more). Backups should not just "cease" because of lack of file space unless it's specifically hard coded to use all available space and then fail.
The issue is that only a foolish admin relies on their hosts backups... one should be doing their own backups and storing them off-site.
teamviewer is super safe German software and I have multiple paid license.

You do not need to join or have a license to jump on my PC

Takes 10 seconds! So much faster then typing here!!
Not everyone can immediately respond to a TV request. That's like I would be more than happy to help but I'm waiting on a truck delivery here at the house that I will have to go out and help unload and then move the items that are being delivered - so would result in a lengthy pause if they came in the time that I was online.
I'm sure it's not anything serious, but let me suggest STOP doing anything to the site currently and leave it alone until someone can definitely look at it.
My delivery should be here by 6PM (it's currently 3:17) so if nobody has stepped up by then I'll see if I can't help.
If the error you were getting earlier is still the same then you need to contact your host really.

That error is not a software issue itself but something has gone wrong or changed on the server. No one here is likely to be able to help you with that unless you give them server access and even then it depends on your hosting provider and package what you will have access to do.

You need to log a call with your host and tell your host that the user specified in your config.php file no longer appears to have access to insert data to the database named in your config file.
If the error you were getting earlier is still the same then you need to contact your host really.

That error is not a software issue itself but something has gone wrong or changed on the server. No one here is likely to be able to help you with that unless you give them server access and even then it depends on your hosting provider and package what you will have access to do.

You need to log a call with your host and tell your host that the user specified in your config.php file no longer appears to have access to insert data to the database named in your config file.

Not the same error at all.
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