Nodes As Tabs

Nodes As Tabs 1.5.1

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That's a styling issue. The responsive navbar ensures the content fits into the available space.

You could disable responsive design in XenForo:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Style Properties -> Responsive Design -> Enable responsive design

...but this will make the style less mobile friendly.
I ended up shorterning the names of the first child nodes, so they will all fit in the secondary nav bar. This actually worked out really well.
I'm stuck here. I have one category node with 3 forums below it. 2 columns and then a new row for the 3rd forum category. I changed grid style to reflect 3 max columns, but it hasn't changed at all.


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I'm stuck here. I have one category node with 3 forums below it. 2 columns and then a new row for the 3rd forum category. I changed grid style to reflect 3 max columns, but it hasn't changed at all.

Those options are not from this addon. :)
Thanks @Jake Bunce for this a great addon.
I have an issue with the order of tabs in RTL.
it seems there is no easy way to show a tab link ( child of parent tab) in the first position, Child tabs does not reflect the order of node, and if they are too many links and some of them are hidden in the three dots tabs, they change position based on the width of the screen ( First link becomes last , the last may become first....).
Thanks @Jake Bunce for this a great addon.
I have an issue with the order of tabs in RTL.
it seems there is no easy way to show a tab link ( child of parent tab) in the first position, Child tabs does not reflect the order of node, and if they are too many links and some of them are hidden in the three dots tabs, they change position based on the width of the screen ( First link becomes last , the last may become first....).

That's a styling issue. The responsive navbar ensures the content fits into the available space.

You could disable responsive design in XenForo:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Style Properties -> Responsive Design -> Enable responsive design

...but this will make the style less mobile friendly.

Or you could shorten the node names.
I created 2 link forums under a category, enabled pop-up and put in "2" as number of childs, but when I hover over with the cursor the dropdown doesn't happen.

How can I fix this?
I created 2 link forums under a category, enabled pop-up and put in "2" as number of childs, but when I hover over with the cursor the dropdown doesn't happen.

How can I fix this?

Do other nav drop downs work?

I would have to take a look. Can you post the URL? Or send me a PM.
I am running an add on from Xenthemes Nodes as Tabs. Not supported. Should I consider replacing that add on with this one here? I just dont want issues later when upgrading. Is it as simple as disabling the old add on and installing this one? Please advise if possible. Might need some paid help though. Thank you.
Is there a way to hide second-level child links in the drop-down menu?
For example, instead of:
Tab Child
Child Link of Child

The Child Link of the Child would only appear in the secondary content menu, not in the drop down.

If that's not possible, then is it possible to set up the drop-down menu to allow for a second level fly-out menu? I just really don't like the tree-view as it doesn't mesh with my main blog menu structure.
Quick question, possible problem... most likely originating with the user.
I can no longer toggle the sidebar with Nodes as Tabs active. Is there a setting I missed somewhere or is something else going on?
Is there a way to hide second-level child links in the drop-down menu?
For example, instead of:
Tab Child
Child Link of Child

The Child Link of the Child would only appear in the secondary content menu, not in the drop down.

If that's not possible, then is it possible to set up the drop-down menu to allow for a second level fly-out menu? I just really don't like the tree-view as it doesn't mesh with my main blog menu structure.

You can control the tree depth and optionally make the popup menu break into columns. But there is no option for a "second level fly-out menu". I remember I attempted that once but encountered problems.

Quick question, possible problem... most likely originating with the user.
I can no longer toggle the sidebar with Nodes as Tabs active. Is there a setting I missed somewhere or is something else going on?

What toggle? Is it from a custom style? Do you have the problem on the default style?

I've encountered the same problem as of this morning. Yesterday it was fine... the drop down was there... now it's not.

Can you post a URL so I can see the problem? Do you have the problem on the default style?
Thank you for replying, while I love Nodes as Tabs, I decided not to use it as it was causing too many problems.

I didn't think there was a way to get third-level links into a flyout menu, I've tried several methods already with no success, but I thought I'd ask anyway.

I don't believe that the ability to close the sidebar is a custom feature, but it could be I suppose.
It is a feature I need though, as my forum is not full-width so it can get a bit cramped.
I do experience the same problem when I switch to the default style.

As with the sidebar issue, the drop-down issue persisted when using the default style.
As I said, it was working when I quit for the evening, but the next morning it wasn't. I hadn't touched anything in the interim, so I'm not sure what was causing it.
I turned off all other add-ons as well, which, as you may have guessed, had no effect.

the url is but as I said, I finally decided to just turn off Nodes as Tabs and use a paid add-on with less functionality.
First, love the add-on!

But having a little trouble after a recent software update.

The tabs show up perfectly here:
Screen Shot 2017-04-10 at 1124.59.webp

But then once you select a node, the navigation items disappear:

Screen Shot 2017-04-10 at 1125.09.webp
Works great!

Except... any ads (like a leaderboard web banner) that are positioned in the header (managed through Siropu) disappear. Ads below the nav bar work fine.

The ad displays fine in the header if the page is accessed via the node list, but if I enable Display As Tab, the header ad disappears. This is a paid spot on my forum, so it's an issue for me. Functionality is perfectly fine otherwise.
Works great!

Except... any ads (like a leaderboard web banner) that are positioned in the header (managed through Siropu) disappear. Ads below the nav bar work fine.

The ad displays fine in the header if the page is accessed via the node list, but if I enable Display As Tab, the header ad disappears. This is a paid spot on my forum, so it's an issue for me. Functionality is perfectly fine otherwise.

This addon shouldn't have anything to do with ad placement unless perhaps your ad manager is somehow bound to the selected tab. When you setup that ad in Siropu does it say anything about the selected tab?
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