Nodes As Tabs

Nodes As Tabs 1.5.1

No permission to download
A blank page is often a suppressed error. Try adding this line to your library/config.php file to see if that reveals any specific error message on the blank page:

ini_set('display_errors', true);
This is what it says!

Fatal error: Call to undefined method XenForo_Application::getFc() in /hsphere/local/home/cbertozz/ on line 145

Have no idea?
That means you aren't running XenForo 1.2 which is required for NodesAsTabs 1.2. Upgrade XenForo or download an older version of NodesAsTabs. There is a note about this:

Version Compatibility And XenForo 1.2:
NodesAsTabs 1.2 requires XenForo 1.2. Upgrade to XenForo 1.2 before you upgrade to NodesAsTabs 1.2. If you are running XenForo 1.1.x then you can click on Version History above to download a previous version that is compatible. The version numbers of this addon simply copy the version of XenForo for which it was made. Compatibility breaks usually only happen with second point releases (e.g. 1.1.x to 1.2.x), so NodesAsTabs 1.1.4 works with XenForo 1.1.5.
I downloaded the version 1.1.4 I read the the text above as saying that would be the right one?

I dont even have access to the admin console any more so I have no idea how to downgrade further?
...and then upload the files for NodesAsTabs 1.1.4. That alone should get rid of the error and allow you into the Admin CP so you can uninstall the 1.2 version and then import the XML for the 1.1.4 version.

(or upgrade to XenForo 1.2)
Ok I'm very embarrassed :oops:

I thought I clicked on 1.1.4 but I must have clicked on 1.2

Thank you for your time! Will be more diligent in future!
So uploading the 1.1.4 files fixed things.

Unfortunately now it won't let me install or upgrade the new 1.1.4 files because I uploaded 1.2 previously - says it can't be done.

Is my only option to switch to 1.2? (which I can't do yet because our 1.2 version Style isn't ready)

If that's not my only option then how do I run the 1.1.4 XML etc.

Thanks in advance.
Apologies if this was asked and answered... a search through the thread didn't bring up what I was looking for...

First off, great mod.

I have a link forum that I've successfully added to the navbar. What I'd like is for it to actually be in the subnav bar under the Forums tab... so to the right of "new posts". It appears my choices are either to add the new tab to either the root, or as a child of one of my nodes. That doesn't seem to give me the option I'm looking for, unless I'm missing something.

Thanks in advance!

This addon doesn't control non-node tabs like the default "Forums" tab.

To add a secondary link to the existing "Forums" tab requires a small template edit. Here is a code example:

Beyond that, if you want the page in question to actually select the "Forums" tab when it is visited then this addon can be used. You would create a link-forum and use the Assign To Existing Tab option to control the tab selection of the target page. In addition, you would have to enable this option:

Admin CP -> Home -> Nodes As Tabs -> Enable Tab Selection For Link-forums

When doing this the link-forum is merely being used as a means to control the tab selection of the target page. It is not being used to create a new tab or for the node list.
@Jake Bunce
Probably a bug
Link to reproduce the bug

When in full width, the sub menu shows forums going from level 1-level 10
Screen Shot 2013-08-09 at 1.15.23 AM.webp

When you resize the windows or in mobile, the submenu would shrink and it display level 5-level 10 with level 1-4 appears in the dropdown. I believe the expected behavior would be that the first 5 level would shows and the dropdown contains the rest?

Screen Shot 2013-08-09 at 1.14.59 AM.webp
@Jake Bunce
Probably a bug
Link to reproduce the bug

When in full width, the sub menu shows forums going from level 1-level 10
View attachment 53606

When you resize the windows or in mobile, the submenu would shrink and it display level 5-level 10 with level 1-4 appears in the dropdown. I believe the expected behavior would be that the first 5 level would shows and the dropdown contains the rest?

View attachment 53608

The responsive style does that on the default tabs as well. You could post this as a bug report for XenForo if you want.
Jake, can you consider to include tabs-support for the new widget pages the widget framework has included?

It would be nice if the 2. and 3. most popular addons could work together.

NodesAsTabs is as generic as possible. But the Widget Framework addon does need to make some changes so the new node type will work with NodesAsTabs. Specifcally, he needs to employ the NAT options on the edit page for his node type, and he needs to extend his admin controller which saves the node.

I will PM him and work on making it compatible.
Is there a way to exclude the secondary navigation bar from view/rendering (the bit that contains stuff like Mark Forums Read) when a particular menu item is active?
Is there a way to exclude the secondary navigation bar from view/rendering (the bit that contains stuff like Mark Forums Read) when a particular menu item is active?

A node tab? You want the secondary links to show as a popup? But then the secondary links are hidden when the tab becomes selected?
A node tab? You want the secondary links to show as a popup? But then the secondary links are hidden when the tab becomes selected?

Yes, I think we're on the same page.

As an example, the Search page here shows an empty secondary navigation div. I'd like to disable that from rendering if a specific node-tab is the active menu item.
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