Multi Prefix

Multi Prefix [Paid] 2.13.4

No permission to buy ($30.00)
Is it possible to change the behaviour of space, please?
At all or better with an option.

Many times a day the mods copy a word with double-click, strg+c and put it into the prefix_field with click and strg+v.
The problem now is that we copy not „london“ we copy „london “, now the ajax cant find „london“ as prefix.

I really would like to find „london“ from both. Probably this needs only a chop at the right place, right?
Music Thread Starter for XenForo 2.x
TMDb Movie Thread Starter for XenForo 2.x
TMDb TV Thread Starter for XenForo 2.x

When using the add-ons I mentioned above, there are 2 prefix adding fields.

If this setting (minimum prefix) in Admin control panel> Forums> Nodes> Forum tab is 0
The thread is being created but prefixes are not added.

If this setting (minimum prefix) in Admin control panel> Forums> Nodes> Forum tab is 1

When the prefix is selected from the first field or the second field, or both, it warns that no matter which one I choose the prefix, please select a prefix.

@Xon , @Ozzy47
@Xon - I ordered this add-on (and a number of others) last night and set the website URL on your site. I am using TH Install and Upgrade and have filled in the Atelier Aphelion API key. However, the downloads I purchased are not showing up as available to download and install.

Is there another step I need to do before the downloads are available through TH Install and Upgrade?
I'm not terribly sure how often TH Install and Upgrade polls for updates/installs. I think the easiest way would be to download the zip from the site and then install it via the upload zip feature.

It should then start tracking updates for you
The purpose for me purchasing this addon was to add a second prefix to existing posts. When I did a batch update the original prefix disappeared. How do I keep the current prefix and a second without editing individual threads?
The batch thread update feature sets (aka overwrites) the prefix to the given prefix(es). I haven't really had anyone request it to be purely additive (ie not remove the existing prefixes).

You need to apply the original prefix and the new prefix to have the desired outcome.

Open a ticket on my site if you have a site backup and require help restoring thread prefixes from that backup.
I haven't really had anyone request it to be purely additive (ie not remove the existing prefixes).
I've never requested it because for whatever reason I was under the impression that it was some limitation of the core that made it impossible. But if you could do it, it would be awesome. As you've said, adding one prefix to existing threads that already have a prefix is not that difficult (even if arguably counter-intuitive), but if you want to add a prefix to threads that already have multiple prefixes - and not all of those prefixes are exactly the same - then it's a different story. It gets a little more tedious to do then, and the potential for making mistakes escalates. So consider this a request. :cool:
I've just started and its tedious already and yes the potential for error is great.
If you find it helps, what you can do is create a temporary board, sort by the prefix(s) you want to add to, then move just those threads over to the temp board to add to, then move them back. Sounds like a chore, but you can actually do it pretty quickly.
Thanks for this add-on, I'm just getting used to it for the past week and it was really needed for my RM. I have some questions about Multi Prefix after use.

I noticed that prefixes aren't clickable in the resource Overview Tabs, they can be clicked on if you are viewing a RM category and multiple prefixes can be add or deleted from the category with clicks.

On my resources home page only 1 prefix will be activated when you click on any of them, only the 1st prefix in the display order will be shown for a selected resource. I'd like to see the resources home page to behave the same way when viewing a category like this sample, clicking on prefixes works fine:

Also, Is it possible to have prefixes clickable in the Overview Tab of a resource?
I have Prefixes are always clickable enabled, I've read a post in this thread about the setting of Multiple prefixes filter type, When multiple prefixes are selected, AND or OR them together and have changed it back and forth and don't really notice what it does, it's currently on the default of AND, looks like this setting might only apply to threads?

Just thought I'd ask about the Discussion threads assigned to a resource, we have been manually changing the threads to match the resource prefixes and it's painful, wondering if anyone knows if there might be an automated way to accomplish this?

Thank You!
My prefixes were added before 2.2 and I discovered that when adding a couple of descriptions they only appear if they are listed first in the display order, found this post.
How is this handled with 2.2 and prefix descriptions?

Does it show the first prefix's description or both?
it shows only the first prefix's description.
I can see how powerful the descriptions could be to act as links to the prefix results, especially in Resources and could eliminate my problem where prefixes aren't clickable in the Overview tab, see my post above this one. Hoping that multiple prefix descriptions support could be considered.
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