Multi Prefix

Multi Prefix 2.13.4

No permission to buy ($30.00)
XF1 Version

Q. Is this add-on compatibility with other add-ons?
A. Add-ons which have explicit compatibility or are known to be compatible
  • XenForo Resource Manager
  • DbTech Shop
  • DbTech eCommerce
  • Snog's Prefix Actions add-on
  • Prefix Essentials
  • Conversation Essentials
  • What Threads Filter
  • User Profile - Prefixed Threads
  • @NixFifty's Tickets
  • @NixFifty's Gift Upgrades

Q. Only as few threads a returned when filtering by a prefix, when there are clearly more.
A. In some versions of MySQL changing join_cache_level above the standard "2" will interfere with the operation of this add-on

Q. How can the maximum prefix limit be set in bulk?
A. Run the following SQL;
update xf_forum
set sv_min_prefixes = 0, sv_max_prefixes = 0
where node_id in (1,2,3)

Change the node_id list as required, and set sv_min_prefixes/sv_max_prefixes as required. A value of 0 means no limit.

Q. On trying to Install, a "Data truncated for column 'prefix_id" is throwm
XF\Db\Exception: MySQL query error [1265]: Data truncated for column 'prefix_id' at row 4 in src/XF/Db/AbstractStatement.php at line 212

A. Follow the advice in this thread; Install Multi Prefix after uninstalling the legacy stub (or uninstalling a very old version on XF1)

Make a backup of your database.
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