Missing: Social Groups + Group-forums


Well-known member
XenForo is great as it is, but I think one of the Core-Features which are still missing are some sort of "Groups" so that users can associate themselves to certain Groups.

Maybe also having Group-Forums for each of those Groups ?

For example, XING.com is using Group-Forums (public or invitation-based), which can be applied for by moderators to "run" a certain Group, so people can set-up their own Group-Forum based on their interest and they can invite already existing members or people who are not yet members of your website to join this specific Group.

So this would be free viral-marketing for your very own Forum.

Also see this suggestion:
Upvote 132
Social groups kinda defeat the purpose of a forum. You're already in the forum because you feel you have similar interests as the rest of the members. Dividing the members in an already created environments just creates more differences than similarities and gives a kind of a confrontation environment.

Good point Lucas. I agree the divisions have to be used carefully.

But a whole forum while focusing on an area of intger4e4st DOES have divisions - and many don't have to mean conflict.

For example here on XF obviously there's a whopping common interest - in being admins of XF.
Then there are admins like me with minimal coding knowledge but high community expertise.
There are admins with high coding skills but much less experience of managing a community as persons.
There are hopefuls with neither skill but keen to learn.

That kind of range can be helpfully managed by having areas where each type c an share skills and argue their issues.
Those weaker in that skill can benefit from beginner spaces.

I value a Group because it gives a forum a front page - bit like yahoo groups have a front page for an email list. A whole page can present a much longer description than a forum container bar about what this section is about - and NOT about!
Plus pictures or diagrams, maps etc
t can present some of the key people maybe useful key vocab.
Group stats.

There are also offtopic options - forum admins often show pics of children or pets. We have politics, music, travels. Allowing us to connect around secondary parts of ourselves welcomes us more fully so we will come more often.
(Secondary in terms of the main forum focus - of course children are never really secondary. But what one forum defines as primary (a parenting forum) would be secondary on another (this forum for XF admins).

Nonetheless Lucas is right that Groups can be TOO divisive and dilute forums.
There needs to be some admin control of how many Groups there are, and who creates them.
Since we have not yet got really good Groups software anywhere yet this is an art still in infancy in terms of how to structure it socially. But there are some suggestions back in this thread from people who have done it successfully.
That kind of range can be helpfully managed by having areas where each type c an share skills and argue their issues.
Those weaker in that skill can benefit from beginner spaces.

And how do groups help to archive this?
If you build groups for admins and groups for coders, then there will be less dialog between these two member-groups. And less dialog leads to less sharing.

I value a Group because it gives a forum a front page
- bit like yahoo groups have a front page for an email list.

I really don´t get what you mean...
A frontpage? Every forum has it´s frontpage, it´s the index or a portal.

And Yahoo!? Sorry again, but this is still something so different than a forum.
Yahoo!-groups are Mailinglists with an webinterface. How does this match a socialgroup in forum?

A whole page can present a much longer description than a forum container bar about what this section is about - and NOT about!
Plus pictures or diagrams, maps etc

If youre sections are so complicated, that you need pictures and diagrams etc. to describe the topic you´re doing something wrong.

The closest to your example i experienced are the special regulations for a subforum to sell and buy equipment. We did this by simply posting a thread (and keep it sticky) in wich we explain how to do it right.

There are also offtopic options - forum admins often show pics of children or pets. We have politics, music, travels. Allowing us to connect around secondary parts of ourselves welcomes us more fully so we will come more often.
(Secondary in terms of the main forum focus - of course children are never really secondary. But what one forum defines as primary (a parenting forum) would be secondary on another (this forum for XF admins).

This is also done in most boards i use without any groups.
Just a forum (in most cases with some subforums) for offtopic and thats it.

Handling these with groups is not encouraging new members to post in this section.
And how do groups help to archive this?
If you build groups for admins and groups for coders, then there will be less dialog between these two member-groups. And less dialog leads to less sharing.

No not at all. You c an have sectors that focus on design, on tweaking, on more serious coding or mods, on installation suppport - and each focuses interest and coordinates resources and contacts.
Certainly some visitors to one sector might not visit others but they'd probably skip individual posts or threads if everything was jumbled together. But if different interest areas are separated into groups it's easier to find what interests YOU.

I really don´t get what you mean...
A frontpage? Every forum has it´s frontpage, it´s the index or a portal.

You're not looking at what I'm saying carefully. Of course a forum has its own front presentation. But that's just a list opf threads with at most a strip along the top.
Why not have a Page - as XF offers - which can display pictures diagrams etc - not only for information but to make that area ATTRACTIVE and WELCOMING.
Plus who's who in this sector and a bit about them, and what the sector is about in a few paragraphs. Possible specific do's don'ts/ tips and guidance. Like the frontpage of a website.
Plus recent threads, favourite threads, sticked threads.
Plus a gallery if this is relevant. Maybe links to key users blogs.
Plus signup to this group and - prominently ENTER link to the group forum.
I mentioned Yahoo because this is exactly what you can do on Yahoo and it's helpful and pleasant.

If youre sections are so complicated, that you need pictures and diagrams etc. to describe the topic you´re doing something wrong.

Don't be rude. If you don't understand, ask questions and I'll answer. But jumping in saying I'm doing something wrong when it's the kind of thing I've done for over a decade very successfully is plain silly.

The closest to your example i experienced are the special regulations for a subforum to sell and buy equipment. We did this by simply posting a thread (and keep it sticky) in wich we explain how to do it right.

yes that's a limited kind of example but it doesn't NEED a Page. It could use one but not strictly necessary.
but perhaps for a sub-sector about a certain game having rules laid out on a page
or having any lists of key data relevant to a sector
but apart from practicalities this "front page" is about making the area attractive, magnetic, sticky, stylish - all things that draw people back. Image you could say.

This is also done in most boards i use without any groups.
Just a forum (in most cases with some subforums) for offtopic and thats it.

Well I want to do something less basic, more interesting, more community minded, more HUMAN, more elegant. I agree for purely basic information exchange it's not necessary. Though lists of key data or definitions of keywords might be. Key sites.
But for connecting PEOPLE in their complex ways of connecting, that's different. I thin k it's the difference between having a lookup info resource and building a community of people.

Handling these with groups is not encouraging new members to post in this section.

But it IS. Anything that makes the area more atractive more fun to use, makes you feel enriched/ stylish because you beloing to it - belonging bei8ng a deep magnetically primitive human trait - this all encourages exploring and posting.
Could you please show an example of your "succesful" sites that are using social groups for more than ten years?

Your descriptions don´t make much sense to me, it seems like your parting your users in smaller and smaller groups instead of bringing them togethet. And thats clearly the opposite of "community".
Could you please show an example of your "succesful" sites that are using social groups for more than ten years?

Your descriptions don´t make much sense to me, it seems like your parting your users in smaller and smaller groups instead of bringing them togethet. And thats clearly the opposite of "community".

No I can't show you because of confidentiality issues. Sorry. My communities are not held on public view.

I don't understand your misunderstanding. All forums have categories - this one has small tweaks, bigger changes and various others like the usual "other" stuff.
I'm describing a way to package and enhance that.
As a student-focused website, we use groups on a 'per university' basis..... yes - this is indeed segregating our community and causing a deliberate divide but in our case it's only right and natural to provide an area for geographic discussions or discussions pertaining to the university itself or the course as implemented by X university. I am sure there are many other scenario's where groups are a real benefit - they should stay, but be done right ala XF!!
Socail groups would be important for us. We've recently been making some major changes to the default vBulletin social groups to make them work better for us (to keep the discussion in the forums and use the forum structure as the category system, rather than a separate list of categories). We would probably want additional features, like a group page wall and the ability for group members to attach links, files etc to the group as well as more notifications for group members about actions within the group.

So we certainly couldn't do without things like social groups, so we couldn't move to Xenforo unless there was a working social group system available.
I think that Groups should not draw too much away from this being a FORUM.
Having a group FORUM with additions for it being a GROUP is great.

So a group portal Page with a nice design (colours, pics) + Forum + shared Gallery + Library of links and documents - Yay!
But the main communication system should be the FORUM.
A notification per usergroup on the forum would help - as long as this pesky cutoff on notifications can be disabled.
Social groups do have a place in my opinion.
What are they? Well they are merely user created forums. The owner of the social group dictates the name and permissions for the forum. Whether members can join automatically, after authorisation or by invitation. Whether messages on there are publicly viewable or private. Maybe even having a custom design.
Social groups need to be in a separate area from your official forums, but in every other regard, can they not be handled in exactly the same way as other forums?

I totally agree with Stuart, a social group is basically a forum, but created and managed by users, not a system admin.

Social groups don't work in VB4 as they don't use the same editor (ever tried attaching a file?) and they don't appear next to the forums.
Social groups work well on large sites, but I can see benefits of having smaller social groups for family content or even a group of two, for sharing photos and content on a private basis.
They also work well on smaller sites for special interests.
I have three distinct sets of users with different needs - they intersect but I like them to each have their own areas too. So do they.

AS the Ladies Lounge thread here demonstrates a women's area is often popular.
Age groups also often like specific areas.
Or common interests.

However their main communication should stay being a forum.
A linked set of info pages or an entry page like a portal describing the group, then maybe a linked gallery, library etc - this all enriches the forum.
The forum is the centre and should not be diluted but enriched by a groups system.
I'd like to see a social group system implemented. As things are now on my vb3.6 site, my busiest forums (7MM posts) are filled with "club" threads, where users who play/own a specific brand of instrument post to gain "membership" (shown by a "member number X" line in their signature), thus threads are a jumble of 'join requests' and group discussion :(
What a great thread. !!!!
The analysis why vBulletin failed with Groups was superb.
I hope Groups is eventually implemented in Xenforo and they read this highly informed discussion.
Groups could be very helpful here at xenforo.com

I also hope that Groups can:
  • have their own "HomePage".
  • make their own Pages (Documents) and
  • have their own Wiki ! (XenCarta-like).
  • have their own image gallery.
  • have their own member avatar gallery.
  • can communicate easily with each other (email).
  • have their own recent activity.
Would it be possible that Conversations could function as "Mini-Groups" if they were publicized well ?
Would that overload Conversations ?

Could Conversations be made public (non-invite) ? and if you had a "Groups Tab" and a list of these public conversations .... would that be like a "Groups Lite" ?

Sorta ?
Is there a maxiumum number of participants in a conversation ?
I'd kill for this as a XF addon (by XF of course). My current paid social group add isn't working properly and the author won't update it. Now I wait patiently for XF release one as my current script has gone to hell and will be only matter of time before it no longer works :cry:
I know many people are looking for social groups functions. After I posted the social groups crowdfund thread many have contacted me about their need and about the available options.

The absence of a XF groups function is a real showstopper for people trying to migrate from vb to XF. People struggle with many aspects(support/quality/feature scope) of the available third party addons or refuse to rely on third party addons for essential functionality.
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