MineSync, for XF2

MineSync, for XF2 [Paid] 3.3.2 (S2.3)

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nanocode submitted a new resource:

MineSync, for XF2 - MineSync integrates your Minecraft server with your XenForo forum, syncs ranks and links players!

MineSync brings the gap between your Minecraft server and your XenForo forum closer, by integrating both very closely. With MineSync, you can have your players link their accounts together, sync ranks, show usernames, UUIDs and groups on posts and profiles as well as an extendible API to sync more data to your XenForo forum with ease.

  • Players can link their Minecraft account on your server to your XenForo forum
  • Players can show off their group on your XenForo...

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Excellent work, as i said you'll have a customer though unfortunately ran into some temporary financial woes limiting my budget for now but will purchase within the next week. Will let you know how I get on once I'm there.
Hmm. I am looking for something to sync both ways. Like, they have to have X posts to earn the rank on the game server. Know if that's possible? (So that way, if they have the rank on Xenforo, it'll sync to MC, and Discord (have that already).
Hmm. I am looking for something to sync both ways. Like, they have to have X posts to earn the rank on the game server. Know if that's possible? (So that way, if they have the rank on Xenforo, it'll sync to MC, and Discord (have that already).
Sorry, that's not possible with MineSync. I'm not aware of any other add-on to do that, either.
Hmm. I am looking for something to sync both ways. Like, they have to have X posts to earn the rank on the game server. Know if that's possible? (So that way, if they have the rank on Xenforo, it'll sync to MC, and Discord (have that already).

I think it would be better if you didn't think of forcing people to posts to gain access but would be better if the addon used the points system from Xenforo to buy stuff on the server...
I think it would be better if you didn't think of forcing people to posts to gain access but would be better if the addon used the points system from Xenforo to buy stuff on the server...
Well, got someone to make something that will hopefully allow EITHER posting, or time spent.

That way they can do what they prefer.
nanocode updated MineSync, for XF2 with a new update entry:

3.0.3 update

This update is a x.x.X level release. This update involves various important changes to note, even though we have classified it as a maintenance level release.

This update contains the following bug fixes / other changes:

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nanocode updated MineSync, for XF2 with a new update entry:

3.0.4 update

This version includes some bug fixes relating to "new links" - as in the system granting rewards (in-game) to players that have linked their accounts:
  • Fixed bugs resulting in a player not receiving in-game rewards for linking their account.
  • Fix a bug where a column (in the ncms_newlink table) didn't have the correct length to support new linking.

Special thanks to @Penguinexpert1, a customer running MineSync, for reporting the bug and spending time...

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Hello- I've recently purchased Minesync and it works great with the forums and server. But- there seems to be a bug where our forum timezones turn into GMT throughout instead of individual timezone preferences when a player is logged in. When they're logged out- guests see our server set time, which is EDT (and is correct). We've disabled the addon for now, but is this possible to fix? We'd like to keep using it
Hello- I've recently purchased Minesync and it works great with the forums and server. But- there seems to be a bug where our forum timezones turn into GMT throughout instead of individual timezone preferences when a player is logged in. When they're logged out- guests see our server set time, which is EDT (and is correct). We've disabled the addon for now, but is this possible to fix? We'd like to keep using it

Can you create a ticket at: https://apantic.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
nanocode updated MineSync, for XF2 with a new update entry:

3.1.0 update

MineSync 3.1.0 includes a large amount of performance improvements, underlying code changes and bug fixes, and we're very glad to bring this update to you.

  • Delete duplicate, unprocessed update entries that could be created due to a MineSync node being hosted on multiple Minecraft servers. Only the most up-to-date entry is processed.
  • Continued/improved use of database transactions to prevent partial data w/ errors from being committed, hence ensuring data...

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