MineSync, for XF2

MineSync, for XF2 [Paid] 3.3.2 (S2.3)

No permission to buy (£35.00)
nanocode updated MineSync, for XF2 with a new update entry:

3.1.0 update

MineSync 3.1.0 includes a large amount of performance improvements, underlying code changes and bug fixes, and we're very glad to bring this update to you.

  • Delete duplicate, unprocessed update entries that could be created due to a MineSync node being hosted on multiple Minecraft servers. Only the most up-to-date entry is processed.
  • Continued/improved use of database transactions to prevent partial data w/ errors from being committed, hence ensuring data...

Read the rest of this update entry...
nanocode updated MineSync, for XF2 with a new update entry:

3.1.1 update

MineSync 3.1.1 includes a fix for a bug reported to us by a customer.

This bug affects all 3.x versions and was not introduced in 3.1.x. It is a minor bug which caused timezones to be displayed as the board default, regardless of preferences.

  • Fix a bug where user timezone preferences weren't properly applied due to templater hook issue.

Read the rest of this update entry...
The most recent version for MineSync v3 (3.1.1a) is a patch version (i.e. a file was changed, but the add-on was not). In these cases, yes, that would be normal for a file to have unexpected contents.

Setup.php was the file changed in this patch release.

FWIW if you run the rebuild command it'll update the hashes.json and doesn't require you to change/bump the version string/ID, the file health check will send admins a daily email about the incorrect file contents otherwise
FWIW if you run the rebuild command it'll update the hashes.json and doesn't require you to change/bump the version string/ID, the file health check will send admins a daily email about the incorrect file contents otherwise
Thanks for letting me know! Also wasn't aware the health check sent reminders now.
Yeah, it's a new thing in XF2 and only found out about it through complaints after sending patches in the same way you mentioned :P
RIP, I’m even less likely to buy this at 40. Guess I will find a cheaper alternative.
Hi there,

We invest a large amount of time into the maintenance of this add-on. This includes not only the XenForo module, but also the server modules for Bukkit (with variable Bungee support and Sponge in development, as well as the Bukkit one being rewritten), and the panels that host the customer areas. On top of this, we offer the best support we can - response times tend to be fast and Zendesk reports us as being 98-99% better than other tech businesses using Zendesk (statistically). The costs in providing this service have increased, not to mention the time investment.

I can understand it can be pricey - the reviews can reflect the same concern amongst some customers but they've all been very happy with the way the add-on has helped their community and the support we offer to ensure they get the most out of it. With this continued focus on maintenance, justifiably we've had to increase the price - the previous price wasn't reflective of the time put into this.

I'll send you a short message to follow up to see if I can help.
Hi there,

We invest a large amount of time into the maintenance of this add-on. This includes not only the XenForo module, but also the server modules for Bukkit (with variable Bungee support and Sponge in development, as well as the Bukkit one being rewritten), and the panels that host the customer areas. On top of this, we offer the best support we can - response times tend to be fast and Zendesk reports us as being 98-99% better than other tech businesses using Zendesk (statistically). The costs in providing this service have increased, not to mention the time investment.

I can understand it can be pricey - the reviews can reflect the same concern amongst some customers but they've all been very happy with the way the add-on has helped their community and the support we offer to ensure they get the most out of it. With this continued focus on maintenance, justifiably we've had to increase the price - the previous price wasn't reflective of the time put into this.

I'll send you a short message to follow up to see if I can help.
As I said in DM, since I've been unemployed (for 5-6 years now), I have to go with the cheaper MC hosts, cheaper plugins, since I cannot afford the high prices of like $30-35 USD+ for every plugin.

If there was a 1.7.10 Forge plugin, I might reconsider since I run a modpack server in addition to a vanilla 1.13 (which eventually you'll support?)
As I said in DM, since I've been unemployed (for 5-6 years now), I have to go with the cheaper MC hosts, cheaper plugins, since I cannot afford the high prices of like $30-35 USD+ for every plugin.

If there was a 1.7.10 Forge plugin, I might reconsider since I run a modpack server in addition to a vanilla 1.13 (which eventually you'll support?)
I felt the same before I purchased (that it seemed high) but after looking further I really do believe it is worth it. It's better than others and can be a donator perk (as I'm going to do) so that donators have a rank shown on the forum while members have none. Furthermore, it's a great way to get rid of captchas and force players to register from in-game.
I felt the same before I purchased (that it seemed high) but after looking further I really do believe it is worth it. It's better than others and can be a donator perk (as I'm going to do) so that donators have a rank shown on the forum while members have none. Furthermore, it's a great way to get rid of captchas and force players to register from in-game.
Except I'm not using spigot even. Run a Forge 1.7.10 modpack.
Except I'm not using spigot even. Run a Forge 1.7.10 modpack.
We don't support Forge at this moment in time. We're looking to add support for Sponge, so this may indirectly add support for Forge as well (I believe Sponge has modded/Forge support), but if that's something you require I'd recommend waiting for such a release to be made.

Looks like Sponge is also limited to 1.10.2 minimum for Forge, though, and it's unlikely we'll add direct Forge 1.7.10 support (at least not in the near future, if ever).
Unlinking accounts does not work even as administrator, I keep receiving "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action. "
Unlinking accounts does not work even as administrator, I keep receiving "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action. "
Hi there,

You may need to manually grant permissions for this. They should be given automatically but perhaps they haven't in your case. You can do this via ACP -> User Groups and grant the relevant MineSync permissions. Administrators will also require this.

If the issue persists, can you open a ticket here please: https://nanocode.io/contact
Sometimes I receive errors in the console:

Server error log Error: Call to a member function exists() on null src/addons/nanocode/MineSync/Repository/Key.php:81 Stack trace #0 src/addons/nanocode/MineSync/Pub/Controller/LinkMinecraft.php(56): nanocode\MineSync\Repository\Key->manualUsergroupSync(Object(XFMG\XF\Entity\User)) #1 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(249): nanocode\MineSync\Pub\Controller\LinkMinecraft->actionIndex(Object(XF\Mvc\ParameterBag)) #2 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(88): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass('nanocode\\MineSy...', 'Index', 'html', Object(XF\Mvc\ParameterBag), 'link-minecraft', Object(nanocode\MineSync\Pub\Controller\LinkMinecraft), NULL) #3 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(41): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop(Object(XF\Mvc\RouteMatch)) #4 src/XF/App.php(1931): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run() #5 src/XF.php(328): XF\App->run() #6 index.php(13): XF::runApp('XF\\Pub\\App') #7 {main} Request state array(4) { ["url"] => string(69) "/link-minecraft/?token= redacted &type=link" ["referrer"] => bool(false) ["_GET"] => array(3) { ["q"] => string(16) "/link-minecraft/" ["token"] => string(36) "redacted " ["type"] => string(4) "link" } ["_POST"] => array(0) { } }
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