Add-on MicroCart

You may need to read that again...

Maybe thats me reading it incorrectly, however it looks to me like an encoded option without ioncube.... Therefore not the source version...

I could be wrong, however that was how i read it.... Anyhow, as was pointed out to me before on another thread, this isnt the place for debating the price, you either pays it or ya dont :D

yes you are right there are 2 encoding options.

Both encoded versions will be the same price but if you wanted the source code then yes it would be the higher price.
Encoded Option 1 = $59.99
Encoded Option 2 = $59.99
Source = $199.99 this includes branding free.

And if you take alook at other cart systems they charge alot more then i do as i have pointed out before in a post.
Ioncube or zend encoded equals the same thing to me. I won't be paying any ridiculous price for a mod that from what I have seen doesnt even follow the xenforo coding standards (when it comes to user interface). No offence, but the current screenshots and video demonstration leave a lot to be desired. I hope that the coder can employ a UI person who knows xenforo to sort out the display side. The functionality is brilliant from what I've seen but looks wise, it sucks.

The secoded encoding is not zend or ioncube and will just upload and work on any php site.
As for the screenshots and the look of the cart this can and will be changed first i have to get everything working before i can make things change.

If its not for you you dont have to buy it its down to the user and also you have access to the templates to be able to change the look to your own needs.

In time i will be adding in a page layout manager where you will be able to move the blocks with drag and drop and also be able to change the coulors with a colour picker.
These are things that will be added at a later date.
So has this gone to testers yet? I have budgeted out from my May paycheck to buy this. I had April, but that sadly passed by. Eagerly awaiting this product.
So has this gone to testers yet? I have budgeted out from my May paycheck to buy this. I had April, but that sadly passed by. Eagerly awaiting this product.

This will be sent to the beta testers very soon,
once they get back to me and say everything is working it will be released.
Im sorry but i dont want to rush this as i want it to work right before the release.

i am about 98.5% completed now and should have the beta version out to the testers by friday night saturday morning.
I'd be willing to test this for you.

I can also see how this will play out on cross system... ie.... How it will play out on different OS (Debian, Ubuntu, Cloud Linux), php 5.3, php 5.4, MySQL 5.5, MySQL 5.6, cPanel, DirectAdmin, No control panel, xcache, apc, file cache, no cache....ect....
I'd be willing to test this for you.

I can also see how this will play out on cross system... ie.... How it will play out on different OS (Debian, Ubuntu, Cloud Linux), php 5.3, php 5.4, MySQL 5.5, MySQL 5.6, cPanel, DirectAdmin, No control panel, xcache, apc, file cache, no cache....ect....

i have 3 beta testers already but if one pulls out will contact you.

Im very close now to getting this completed im about 99.9% complete and then it will be sent the the beta testers for testing.
Once they get back to me that everything is working ok i will then be releasing it.
Im hopping they will get back to me quickly and without any problems so that i can release this as soon as posible.

Hi all

Just an update for you all,
im about to send this to the first beta tester but its still not 100% completed but 99.99% complete.
Once he lets me know the install and first setup works fine i will send it to the other beta testers for testing and hope to release this by the end of the week.

Hi all

Just to let you all know that the beta testers have had the files for a few days now and reported some bugs.
These have now been fixed and awaiting there responce to these fixes.

If all goes well we maybe releasing the cart by the weekend or early next week.

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