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MetaMirror 1.6.1

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Hey Mick, forgive me if you've answered this already but I just recently got all set up with cloudfront and want to send meta mirror files to S3 if possible. Is there anything I need to do?
Hey Mick, forgive me if you've answered this already but I just recently got all set up with cloudfront and want to send meta mirror files to S3 if possible. Is there anything I need to do?

I just have Cloudfront, and that seems to take care of all my CDN needs, I'm not sure why you would want to use S3?

The way to do it would be to have something that mirrors your data folder to S3, and then then set the $config['externalDataUrl'] to point to this. Something like this:

However I have no experience doing this, and so can't really help. :(
No I wasn't clear, thanks for the quick reply btw, I too am using cloudfront. I need to make metamirror send everything to cloudfront.
No I wasn't clear, thanks for the quick reply btw, I too am using cloudfront. I need to make metamirror send everything to cloudfront.

Oops, I was thinking of Cloudflare! Cloudfront and S3 are different things.

Sorry, I don't have any experience with cloudfront.So I can't help you much beyond what I said above. It looks though like Cloudfront pulls the data automatically from the origin server (i.e. your main server, you don't need to use S3), so it does look like a fairly straightforward config. i.e. tell Cloudfront to cache data/ or /data/MetaMirrorCache, and then set your $config['externalDataUrl'] to go through Cloudfront
Just wanted to let you know that all you need to do to make meta mirror work with [BD] attachment store is to select the 'Use attachments system' option in metamirror options. Awesome. Can't believe how simple that was.
Just wanted to let you know that all you need to do to make meta mirror work with [BD] attachment store is to select the 'Use attachments system' option in metamirror options. Awesome. Can't believe how simple that was.
Life should be simple :D
It's funny how much I over-thought about this and in the end it was one checkbox lol. I actually asked xfrocks how to do it and he said theres an option for it.
is there a way to run the test (by cron) for some time to know how much disk space will take the rehosting process?
is there a way to run the test (by cron) for some time to know how much disk space will take the rehosting process?

Not really. You could do a few runs manually of a thousand posts, and then extrapolate. It will vary by board. My site has 98,000 messages, and about 5,000 mirrored files, 800MB. Half of the images are under 70K in size.
Not really. You could do a few runs manually of a thousand posts, and then extrapolate. It will vary by board. My site has 98,000 messages, and about 5,000 mirrored files, 800MB. Half of the images are under 70K in size.

So maybe it's better to:
  1. make some run with Limit to File Size, for example, at 1024
  2. flush flags
  3. check with the test tool there are many images above that limit
Another thing, running it with "Use Attachments" will resize rehosted images like "normal" attachments?
Mick, great add-on!
How can this be set up so the mirrored images reuse the same exact remote filenames instead of the path+new_name? This would be very helpful for SEO.
Mick, great add-on!
How can this be set up so the mirrored images reuse the same exact remote filenames instead of the path+new_name? This would be very helpful for SEO.

Sorry that would require a code change, and I'm not planning on adding new features. I set it up this way to avoid duplicate file names - as you quite often get file names like "image.jpg", and I don't want them to overwrite.
Thanks for the quick reply. You are right, there are tons of remotely linked images with non-descriptive names like image1, 2, etc.
I'm currently using your add-on in production, it's working flawlessly BTW and have it set up using 'Short Scrambled File Names' to avoid having the attachment filenames and img alt tags with remote URLs.
My site has ~300k images and growing and am a bit concern of the SEO repercussions this will have in the end once all the img alt tags end up with no meaning to search bots; reason for my question above as a possible solution; but definitely running into duplicates is not good and perhaps even worse than having the encrypted/scrambled names.
I tried this on my test forum. It worked prefectly. But my test forum only has about 100 images.

My live forum has about 1 Million BB Codes Images. I tried the Meta Mirror Test Tool I would click on "Proceed" and it crashed. And it made my forum super slow. I even had to restart the server due to my forun turning in a white blank page with "internal server error".

Afterwards, I was unable to post any messages in Threads. I has to uninstall it. It was giving me too much problems.

Is there anyway to scan about 10-20 threads only? I don't think my server can handle scanning the entire forum in one shot.
Or is the problem because i am on xenforo version 1.4?

I really want this add-on. What advice would you have?
I tried this on my test forum. It worked prefectly. But my test forum only has about 100 images.
My live forum has about 1 Million BB Codes Images. I tried the Meta Mirror Test Tool I would click on "Proceed" and it crashed. And it made my forum super slow. I even had to restart the server. Afterwards, I was unable to post BB Codes in Threads. I has to uninstall it. It was giving me too much problems.

Is there anyway to scan about 10-20 threads only? I don't think my server can handle scanning the entire forum in one shot.
Or is the problem because i am on xenforo version 1.4?

I really want this add-on. What advice would you have?

Contact your host. Your entire server shouldn't crash importing.
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