XF 2.2 Members online more information?


Since update to 2.2.13 yesterday the "Members online" shows only the poor information "visits a page" (translated).
How do I turn on again the information which page the members and guests read?

As you have just upgraded, ensure there are no outdated templates.
Merge any updates as required.

If it still doesn't work, test in a completely default style with all add-ons and customisations disabled.
Thank you Brogan!

I have another idea: Yesterday my update to 2.2.13 completely crashed due to a accidential IP change on host computer. By mistake I closed a seperate VPN-connection during update and crashed.

So I restored the backup that I made 5 minutes before.

So maybe I have to run all indexers after backup again? I will try this now.

Will tell later.

Kind regards

As long as the backup restored correctly and the upgrade worked the second time then it should be fine.

Try rebuilding the master data via /install just in case.
Backup and restore was done via professional IBM-TSM company system.

I rebuilt all indexes now and rebuilt the master data via: /forum/install/index.php?upgrade/

Still not working.

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