Mark Thread as Read

Mark Thread as Read v1.2.1

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It's stable. Conflicts between different add-ons and their automatic template edits are hard to do much about.
We can only work with assumption that the original template is used when creating add-ons.

The Version: 1.2.1 is still saying 1.2.0 and with the Add-on Installer & Upgrade It keeps showing that it needs to be upgrade, but it's v1.2.1 now right?
Yeah, v1.2.1 is just a new package. I only removed an unnecessary file from the zip file.
The add-on itself are still exactly the same. Thats why it still says v1.2.0.
I should obviously has changed that but forgot about it. Sorry for all the confusion.

Yeah, v1.2.1 is just a new package. I only removed an unnecessary file from the zip file.
The add-on itself are still exactly the same. Thats why it still says v1.2.0.
I should obviously has changed that but forgot about it. Sorry for all the confusion.


It's cool, I went ahead and changed it. :)
I just cannot seem to get this to work?

There is a problem with this add on not working after other add on have been installed, the fix is as follows.

In the thread_list_item template modification for the add-on has this


               <div class="controls faint">

Change it to this

<div class="controls faint">
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