Mark Thread as Read

Mark Thread as Read v1.2.1

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Well, the template edit must be added twice.
Probably the automatic edit and your manually. Not sure why the automatic would show up now though...

Make sure that the automatic edit isn't active any more.
Or find the problem with the automatic edit so you can use it and remove the edit you just added.

@skhms The Mark Thread as read does not show on the hover of the listed threads, I have also tried it on the XF default Style.


However it does show on the dropdown options

I have just tried on a clean install of XenForo 1.4.5 using Mark Thread as Read v1.2.1 and it works.

What does it say under Appearance -> Styles & Templates -> Template Modifications?
In the Template Modification list you should have two modifications for "SK Mark Thread as Read".
The one called "thread_list_item" is the one not working. Is it marked as OK?
If it's not then I guess that there must have been some change to the "thread_list_item" template anyway.

Also the Mark Thread as Read button only shows if the thread is unread.
But with the bold text in your screencap so does your thread looks unread so it's probably not that simple...

I have just tried on a clean install of XenForo 1.4.5 using Mark Thread as Read v1.2.1 and it works.

What does it say under Appearance -> Styles & Templates -> Template Modifications?
In the Template Modification list you should have two modifications for "SK Mark Thread as Read".
The one called "thread_list_item" is the one not working. Is it marked as OK?
If it's not then I guess that there must have been some change to the "thread_list_item" template anyway.

Also the Mark Thread as Read button only shows if the thread is unread.
But with the bold text in your screencap so does your thread looks unread so it's probably not that simple...


Here we got it looks like this

Last edited:
Yeah, the gray number 2 means the automatic template modification has failed on 2 occasions.

So your "thread_list_item" template must be different than mine on the two styles it tries to install itself on .
Does the "thread_list_item" template has a Revert Template... button?
If it do then there is some edits made and it should work if you revert it to the original template.

If you don't want to revert the template you will have to make the changes manually.

Well, then I'm lost.
Not sure why the automatic edit won't work on an original template.

Which version of XenForo do you run?
But as far as I know so does this version (with automatic template edits) work on both XF 1.3 and 1.4

As last resort, if you're still interested, do the edit yourself.
In the template 'thread_list_item' find:
                    <xen:if is="{$showLastPageNumbers} AND {$thread.lastPageNumbers}">
                        <span class="itemPageNav">
                            <xen:foreach loop="$thread.lastPageNumbers" value="$pageNumber">
                                <a href="{xen:link threads, $thread, 'page={$pageNumber}'}">{$pageNumber}</a>

Below it add:
                    <xen:include template="thread_list_item_mark_as_read" />

You should probably also disable the automatic template edit so it doesn't kick in unexpectedly and you'll get double links instead.

It worked adding
<xen:include template="thread_list_item_mark_as_read" />
bellow the code (#28) of @skhms.
anyway I'm uninstalling because have disappeared the links of CTA Featured Threads & Portal to edit and feature threads by @Brogan
and likes sumary by @rellect :(
In DaveM's case was the problem that my add-on doesn't work well with TMDb TV Thread Starter and TMDB Movie Thread Starter add-ons.
I did a special version of the add-on that works with those for DaveM.

That version might have a better search/replace strings in the automatic template.
Have been thinking of making that version the official version instead.

Guessing those add-on you mention @rafass has a similar problem.
When you edit the template to make my add-on to work their automatic template edits stops working.

After uninstalling, the addons (CTA and Likes summary) are not working. face_palm.gif
There are no links to feature threads and I lost the likes summary.
What's is the best way to revert all like before?
In DaveM's case was the problem that my add-on doesn't work well with TMDb TV Thread Starter and TMDB Movie Thread Starter add-ons.
I did a special version of the add-on that works with those for DaveM.

That version might have a better search/replace strings in the automatic template.
Have been thinking of making that version the official version instead.

Guessing those add-on you mention @rafass has a similar problem.
When you edit the template to make my add-on to work their automatic template edits stops working.

Thanks for the explanation, so, now what is the best way to solve the damages?
Appreciate your help to solve it. thanks.
Did you remove that manual edit in the template 'thread_list_item' that you did in an attempt to make add-on to work?
It must be restored correctly so the automatic edits in CTA and Like summaries still works to.

Yes, I've removed that line, but both addons now are not working.
Plus, as I said, I have also TMDb TV Thread Starter and TMDB Movie Thread Starter add-ons.
I have to reinstall all then?
Well, now everything are working again normally
after revert templates again and rebuild cache.
sorry for the quotes and the trouble.
@skhms your addon is great, but I'll wait if someday are we have a more stable version, this is not recommended xdd
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