March 8th, 2011

Yes I got mine this morning. I'm wondering why they're sent out the day after release, rather than the day of?
That almost feels like a slight to current license holders.
Maybe it was to allow time to correct any unforeseen problems?
When I open registration to a big event I usually tell people 1 month in advance of the opening date then wait a day after to remind people again.
This makes it easier to fix things.
IIRC my 1200 was a couple hundred dollars!
That's nothing! My dad continuously reminds me of working in the church/school where I grew up, and him picking up a 64 MEG hard drive for I think he said $10-$20k at the time. Talk about insanity.
Anyways, we has stable, YAY! Congrats to XF for the awesomeness. Now, don't let this success get to your head and make ya lazy. GET BACK TO WORK :P
Where is the advertising management systems that is mentioned in the release thread? I have been looking at a xenForo demo but i'm having no luck finding it. I see the templates but thats about it.

Where is the advertising management systems that is mentioned in the release thread? I have been looking at a xenForo demo but i'm having no luck finding it. I see the templates but thats about it.


If you mean the Ad Location Templates locations mentioned here , they are hooks

Here is a handy way to show ads, though it is undergoing a re-write at the moment, I am using it.
Congratulations to Kier, Mike, Ashley and the entire XenForo community.

I still currently have RC 2 on my test site, but getting ready to download and install 1.0.0 on my permanent active site, just waiting on the forms mod right now and I know they are working hard on it.

My forum needs are for a clean, easy, and fast system to allow my members to discuss and plan our RPG stories. XenForo meets all of these needs and then some. In fact, XenForo is so well done and so efficient, I can finally consolidate all my RPGs' discussion forums into one. If I can ever figure out a way to create a single login between the forum and the actual RPG sites, I'll be in heaven.

My final word of thanks and appreciation goes to those I've corresponded with here at the XenForo community who understand some of us that run sites are not coders. I often refer to myself as the web/forum Village Idiot. However, not once has anyone here made me feel like the Village Idiot. Unlike another place where I often felt talked down to or as if they purposely put out obscure and vague answers to my inquiries.

So, my heartfelt thank you for that as well!

Now - for all of you talking about 110 +/- baud modems and the like... I remember only having access to a computer at the university's computer lab and doing all the programming on keypunch cards! At the time, IBM (I believe) stated they did not see a market for home computers of any kind and that perhaps one household in ten would buy them. :ROFLMAO: I have upwards of seven machines of various ages + my work issued laptop. ;)

Congratulations again - Can't wait to get my new forums up and running officially.

Warmest Regards,


This thread should never die.

xF is the most sleek and sophisticated piece of forum software (the only to deserve the title of software, in contrast to some HTML thrown together) that I've ever seen.
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