Live Update

Live Update 4.0.1

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On Mac 10.8! The title Update works fine, but not the favicon.ico. I have a custom icon, located in the root folder of my forum.
Ahh, I am with you now and you are right the favicon does not change in Safari.

I hadn't noticed as I am only concerned about the tab title because if I am on the forum then I see the standard alert so a changed favicon doesn't matter.

But if I am viewing another site then there would be no favicon change as I will be seeing the favicon of the site I am browsing so the only alert I will see is the title of the forum tab, and this works.
To be clear the error you got on the other addon has nothing to do with the method he used, just his implementation of it. You having an error on his addon has nothing to do with the functionality of other addons.

Members that use Chrome including my self have been crashing ever since we installed this addon and left tabs open to our site. Any ideas? I disabled it and the crashing stopped.
Alright so I have the same Alert issues some others had back in Page 1 of this thread. The mod that I installed was the one on the very front page, Live Updates 2.0. is this not the latest update?
Members that use Chrome including my self have been crashing ever since we installed this addon and left tabs open to our site. Any ideas? I disabled it and the crashing stopped.

Robbo has been looking into this and thinks it's due to a memory leak in jQuery. I think hes looking into implementing a version which does not utilize jQuery's AJAX methods to bypass the memory leak.
Alright so I have the same Alert issues some others had back in Page 1 of this thread. The mod that I installed was the one on the very front page, Live Updates 2.0. is this not the latest update?

Yes it is. But version 2.0 is a completely rewrite with slightly different functionality.
Ah my apologies. I thought it was addressed already.

My forum isn't issuing Alerts on new replies to watched topics.
I have User Options set to default settings, and User Registration set to "Watch threads when creating or replying" - Yes (Note: Yes only, not Yes with email).
My Preferences are set the same way and my Alert Preferences are also all checked with the exception of sending email.

This was due to your mod. When I uninstalled your Live Updates 2.0, this suddenly began working fine.
Ah my apologies. I thought it was addressed already.

My forum isn't issuing Alerts on new replies to watched topics.
I have User Options set to default settings, and User Registration set to "Watch threads when creating or replying" - Yes (Note: Yes only, not Yes with email).
My Preferences are set the same way and my Alert Preferences are also all checked with the exception of sending email.

This was due to your mod. When I uninstalled your Live Updates 2.0, this suddenly began working fine.

Thanks, I'll check it out when I have a chance.
Robbo has been looking into this and thinks it's due to a memory leak in jQuery. I think hes looking into implementing a version which does not utilize jQuery's AJAX methods to bypass the memory leak.
Most excellent, thanks for the response.

I don't suppose you guys have any ETAs on that?
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