Is there a CMS planned?

I want a product in the marketplace as soon as I can get it there. Diverting to produce a CMS would involve months of delay. There will be a CMS eventually, but it's not part of what we are working on for 1.0.
IMHO, this is a flawed approach if your goal is to get existing sites to transition to XenForo.

The future of 'just a forum' type sites is dim. Content publishing and discussion have to go hand-in-hand.

There is a huge pressure wall that will easily topple vB if a choice is provided.
IMHO, this is a flawed approach if your goal is to get existing sites to transition to XenForo.

The future of 'just a forum' type sites is dim. Content publishing and discussion have to go hand-in-hand.

There is a huge pressure wall that will easily topple vB if a choice is provided.

Nothing flawed about that, actually. He is even stating there will be a CMS eventually! So in 2011 (hopefully) you have a CMS solution from XenForo and I totally agree with you that this will generate a mass conversion rate from vB4.0. Unless IB get's their act together with vB 4.1 and subsequent releases. Somehow... I doubt that :rolleyes:.
flawed "if your goal is to get existing sites to transition to XenForo"

I'm dying to dump vB, but I need something... actually, I'd love a bridge to WP that works perfectly. Until there is something, I'm stuck, so no transition possible until that exists.

I've used XenForo for 10 minutes but already prefer it to vB <= big mess!
flawed "if your goal is to get existing sites to transition to XenForo"

I'm dying to dump vB, but I need something... actually, I'd love a bridge to WP that works perfectly. Until there is something, I'm stuck, so no transition possible until that exists.

I've used XenForo for 10 minutes but already prefer it to vB <= big mess!
You're making it sound like what we see here is all we will get. Give it some time, everything isn't going to come at once. I'm sure that that is a long-term goal for XenForo, but it would be crazy that the second the script is for sale site will drop functionality they need and use XF regardless of what is missing or not.
no, I'm saying exactly what I wrote. That if one's goal is to get the transition (critical mass, if you will) then a CMS is pivotal.

so, I'll have to be on the sidelines until that time.

adding: of course I have no doubt that a solution is on the horizon, but I cannot 'come over,' so to speak, until I have a complete solution, so, to me, and many others I assume, 'just a forum' is not good enough, even if it is head and shoulders above the rest. So I sit with my money and wait.
flawed "if your goal is to get existing sites to transition to XenForo"

I'm dying to dump vB, but I need something... actually, I'd love a bridge to WP that works perfectly. Until there is something, I'm stuck, so no transition possible until that exists.

I've used XenForo for 10 minutes but already prefer it to vB <= big mess!

Though I can fully understand what you are saying and where you are coming from... I would still love to see XenForo be the best forum, before they become the best kitchen sink... There will be mods available I am sure within days - weeks of XenForo's release that will bridge other CMS's or will create a portal style system...

When development time comes up that isn't going to slow the core product then would be a good time to start working on a CMS and to take time on one and make it good.
Yep what I'm needing something fairly simple and smoothly integrated so I don't need to manage 3 completely different sets up upgrade tracks (forum, blog, cms) from 3 different vendors... that is >not< competitive in today's environment. AND I respect K & M's dogged concentration on getting the Forum RIGHT (WHAT a CONCEPT!!!).
C'mon developers (or whatever the XF equiv of is)... help us out here! ;)
LOL GREAT simile!
I second this!
I sure as the dickens hope so!
LOL I just ran across this post while I'm only on page 7 of 15 in this thread so far, and it's 3:34 AM here!

[ add edit] ... now it's 4:37 AM and I'm ALMOST caught up here.

It is amazing how you can quote more than one post in a single post instead of making a whole page full of your posts...
IMHO, this is a flawed approach if your goal is to get existing sites to transition to XenForo.

The future of 'just a forum' type sites is dim. Content publishing and discussion have to go hand-in-hand.

There is a huge pressure wall that will easily topple vB if a choice is provided.
If you think the vB4 CMS is a contender for anything but Most Bloated Useless Twaddle of the Year award, I don't know what to say.
You quoted me so I'll respond.

Actually, I think it sucks (vB-CMS). I still use my own home-rolled solution even though I bought vB4 full during the pre-sale (2 licenses)... I'm still using 3.7.x.
no, I'm saying exactly what I wrote. That if one's goal is to get the transition (critical mass, if you will) then a CMS is pivotal.

so, I'll have to be on the sidelines until that time.

adding: of course I have no doubt that a solution is on the horizon, but I cannot 'come over,' so to speak, until I have a complete solution, so, to me, and many others I assume, 'just a forum' is not good enough, even if it is head and shoulders above the rest. So I sit with my money and wait.

My situation precisely. My non-techie users will simply not put up with juggling 3 websites (XF, WordPress, ???) to follow a discussion. And as a small business, keeping three standalone modules updated and properly linked is beyond reach. So... trapped in vBHell until SOMEbody produces an integrated XF CMS and Blog.
With my nose pressed against that glass barrier,
More of my two cents.

I am glad if it will just be a forum product to start with. And has the option to expend in the future to have other (stand alone?) addons. This to me feels like it will simply be a solid core - foundation - on which the company can grow.
It is amazing how you can quote more than one post in a single post instead of making a whole page full of your posts...
Yes! How do you do that? I haven't seen obvious prompts. Hopefully that will change as for my audience the software features need to be really obvious.
More of my two cents.

I am glad if it will just be a forum product to start with. And has the option to expend in the future to have other (stand alone?) addons. This to me feels like it will simply be a solid core - foundation - on which the company can grow.
Makes perfect sense. I just wish I could figure a non-suicidal way I could offer XF to my audience right away without having a real mess vis a vis Blog and CMS (such as it might be) still in vB or having to switch to an intermediary solution (WP, etc.) until that magic XF day comes, a year or two from now when it's finally a fully integrated and comprehensive contemporary solution.
A simple portal system along with "pages" would work for me at the moment - at least for a couple of my sites.

But in the long run I really need at least a simple CMS allowing the posting of news, articles, static content page (with commenting underneath - and blocks in a sidebar) - and cross posting for replies between forum and articles.
I think it'd be a good idea to offer it as an official (paid for) plugin, if/when Xenforo becomes profitable and the devs can hire a dedicated programmer.
The last thing we need is another bodge job like VB4's "Suite"
Point is, people are saying other forums are a major competition to XenForo because they have "integrated CMS".

If the "integrated CMS" of vB is so lacklustre that almost nobody is using it then this "competition" is an empty shirt.
Point is, people are saying other forums are a major competition to XenForo because they have "integrated CMS".

If the "integrated CMS" of vB is so lacklustre that almost nobody is using it then this "competition" is an empty shirt.

Yes, clear thinking. But, think of the bigger picture: what would happen if disappointed vB customers (who hoped to got a good vBCMS) saw that XenForo ltd. released a CMS solution that actually offers what they need, all provided in XenForo's quality? I bet hordes of customers will jump the sinking vB ship...
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