iOS 5 is released

Ugh ugh ugh I'm guessing my update failed. Got an error 3014, then it went on to restore my iPad 2 to factory settings. :(
No wait, it worked!!!!!! I had to shut off my pc's firewall for it to finish.
Took 25 mins total for my iPad 2.

I love it already!
On my iPhone 4 I got:

Error 3194: Resolve error 3194 by updating to the latest version of iTunes. "This device is not eligible for the requested build" in the updater logs confirms this is the root of the issue. For more Error 3194 steps see: This device is not eligible for the requested build above.

Probably because I didn't reboot after I updated my iTunes to 10.5.

Users Upgrading to iOS 5 Hit Delays, Glitches
Apple's iOS 5 made its debut this afternoon, and fans quickly jumped at the chance to upgrade their OS. All that activity, however, apparently hosed Apple's systems, with many users reporting long wait times, cancelled updates, and more.,2817,2394598,00.asp#fbid=PmKfG9ubYqm
What sucks is that Apple acquired Siri in April of 2010. It was in the app store until only a couple of days ago, so current devices can definitely run at least some part of it unless Apple tweaked the hell out of it.
What sucks is that Apple acquired Siri in April of 2010. It was in the app store until only a couple of days ago, so current devices can definitely run at least some part of it unless Apple tweaked the hell out of it.
The app will be removed soon due to it being native to iOS5 (For the 4S).
I would download it but I am sitting a jailbroken iPhone on like iOS 4.1 and I haven't updated iTunes since the last iRelease. Too many apps to lose at this point, basically I am like a {Insert other software who's version 3 is not the current release} 3 forum that has 20+ add-ons and a completely custom where to go...except to buy the next generation! An Android at this point(XenForo if we are still talking about forums)
One thing I don't like is that my modem has an issue since the other day and needs to be replaced.
My Mac Pro doesn't have wifi, so I can't jump on the neighbors wifi for this download (with their permission).
My iMac has wifi and does download this chunk just fine. However, it says of course "different machine, we can only upgrade if we delete all the apps, contacts and email will be saved, not the rest".

Yeah, very annoying, hehe. Why would it matter which machine you synced it up first with? Sucks to know that if you buy a new computer -and even with same iTunes- that you can't just upgrade, but will lose your apps.

Losing apps is temporary, I know, but who wants to play 150 levels of angry birds *again* just because the preferences or results weren't saved? Not me hehe.
Huh...apparently I was lucky (or maybe it's just because my iPad is new and barely filled with apps or anything)--the only bump I hit while upgrading was that the download stopped, and I think it was because my computer went to sleep, so I had to start over again. Once I did, it took about 30 minutes. Anyway, I'm running it now--haven't tried out the new apps yet, but I'm looking forward to doing so!
Took the iPad 20 minutes. My iPhone - not so good.
7 hours to go. I hope it doesn't time out while I'm sleeping. grrrrr...
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