Internet Brands claims against XenForo

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It's not just to try at all. It's because sometimes suing isn't about the money, it's about hurting your opponent. If I took you to court right now, regardless of winning or not, it would give you a bad day.
... and cost you legal fees that may not be within your resources... I personally think that's what behind IB's "strategy" (sic, sic)... as that's actually quite common for companies of this size and approach to competitors and customers (make that... former customers)... just keep bringing suit of one kind or another until the little guys' company spends all of its money on lawyers instead of continuing development of a product that's likely to take considerable market share from the vB division.
I think it was a smart, calculated, and sly move on IB's part. And I hope the XenForo team can come up with a few more words of encouragement on the matter other than the beta release being released tomorrow, because that is the least of my concerns at this point.

I disagree wholly, it's is up to IB to prove their claims, not the reverse.
This is really pathetic.. IB hit a new low, everyone needs to support XF by buying as many licenses as they can, because this is going to be costly for XF
Had I seen this earlier today, I would not consider buying the vbulletin license that I needed for my two websites.

Oh well, that will be the last cash they get from me. I will buy 3 xenForo licenses when the sale goes live in a few hours.

Bite me, Internet Brands! BITE ME!

Infringement of software? What? Awe wow. Might as well sue IPB, SMF, and other forum software products out on the market, but noo iB wants to be a bully to the new guy in town.

Breach of Contract? Um. Kier said that they left, and developed this shining new product.

Countersue, Kier. COUNTER SUE!

Even when you leave a company, normally you sign a contract that says that you will not work for a competing company or that you will disclose confidential information. By signing that contact, they will give you a little bonus or continual benefits. Signing it is voluntary, but many former employees do it anyways.
I have NEVER seen a thread get over 800 replies in not even 12 hours.

Mad props for the support on this site. It's record day all around it seems.
I disagree wholly, it's is up to IB to prove their claims, not the reverse.

You missed my point. I'm not talking about the legalities of the case; I was saying the XenForo team needs to show their position and boost confidence to their potential customers, not a judge.

For instance, before I heard about the law suit, I was certain I would be purchasing a license during the early adopter sale later today, but now I probably won't purchase one until I hear XenForo's remarks on the details of the suit and how it will affect the company in the interim.
I wonder if some of the Old vB staff would call-in sick for the next few days.... Dought that would happen (pink Slip), but be a nice jester...
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