I have a few questions


I was planning to buy xenforo, but i wanted to know, does this have a CMS?

is the resource manager similar to ip.board nexus? or downloads, and is the seo easy to use. I have tried the demo but it seems a bit hard to navigate.
Ok well my site is fairly new and it's not on google ATM, how effective will it be? what will roughly be the time to be put on search engines? also would i need someone to handle SEO on a monthly basis, if it's still a new site? or can i leave it up to xenforo to handle this problem and save money.
Thats fine, but that isn't really nice to say buy the software for current features, I understand that I will purchase the software for what it holds, I am just asking a few questions for answers that benefit not only me but the new users who will browse this section, please be considerate and don't use smart ass comments.

Thank you.
We don't know what the future holds.
Buy the software for the current features.

Thats fine, but that isn't really nice to say buy the software for current features, I understand that I will purchase the software for what it holds, I am just asking a few questions for answers that benefit not only me but the new users who will browse this section, please be considerate and don't use smart ass comments.

Thank you.

Axed99, they aren't 'smart ass' comments.

They are valid comments.

XenForo don't release road maps listing what add ons they are going to create. While they haven't ruled out a CMS, there is no way of knowing for sure whether it will come in the future.
I understand that they don't have a road map, but yes it is a smart ass comment, I was just wondering if they have updated anything in the news and announcements, I signed up today and haven't really looked there and was asking basically if it's been mentioned. Yes it is a smart ass comment, because if it wasn't there wouldn't be the extra "Buy the software for the current features", of course that what I plan to do, but sometimes it's nice to know if anything is coming in the future, or if they have mentioned anything. I hope you understand what I am saying.
I understand that they don't have a road map, but yes it is a smart ass comment, I was just wondering if they have updated anything in the news and announcements, I signed up today and haven't really looked there and was asking basically if it's been mentioned. Yes it is a smart ass comment, because if it wasn't there wouldn't be the extra "Buy the software for the current features", of course that what I plan to do, but sometimes it's nice to know if anything is coming in the future, or if they have mentioned anything. I hope you understand what I am saying.

Yes, that's fine. Announcements of new features are posted here: http://xenforo.com/community/forums/have-you-seen/ so keep an eye out, or watch the forum to receive notification.
Also how effective is it in this regard? will there be a CMS in later versions?

Does anyone else have any information, please and thank you.

If it is in regards to the post you made about asking whether it will be in future versions, these posts might interest you from the developers:


And more recently: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/xenforo-roadmap.45893/#post-493531
Thank Amaury, yes I may be 19 though I am far mature for my age, well thats what many people have told me. So yes I do consider my self an adult. Thank you for the reply non the less, i will check it out. Also do you have any information about the SEO how it will affect the ranking on google, or if it will get me there in time?

Unfortunately, I have no knowledge on SEO-related stuff. Sorry.
Ok well my site is fairly new and it's not on google ATM, how effective will it be? what will roughly be the time to be put on search engines? also would i need someone to handle SEO on a monthly basis, if it's still a new site? or can i leave it up to xenforo to handle this problem and save money.

My site got indexed pretty quickly, and I didn't need to use any search engine optimization to do so. I would say a few days to a week, depending on the site. As for the monthly basis, it depends really on whether or not you want to pay someone to handle it and if you want to increase your presence by paying to do optimization. You should be able to leave XenForo to safely handle your SEO, as it is built in out of the box.
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