XF 1.4 How to get rid of the [New Profile Posts] Tab on New Posts

Digital Doctor

Well-known member
With the addition of the New Profile Posts tab ...
More users will will see Profile posts.
And Read them.
And post their own.

Some sites will like this.
Some will not.

You can see the effect happening here at Xenforo.com already.

As an admin, you might want to remove the [New Profile Posts] tab before it gets popular.

Anyone know how to remove the [New Profile Posts] tab ? And replace it with a [New Resources] tab ?


To Remove the [New Profile Posts] Tab.

Solution 1:
Just add that to your extra.css so that after you've disabled all permissions the tabs related to finding new profile posts go away. Most browsers support this excluding IE 6, but who gives a damn about that. [source]

Solution 2:
Add this to extra.css
.find_new_posts_none .tabs li:last-child , .find_new_posts .tabs li:last-child {display:none;}
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Hate to bump this, but I still didn't understand how to do it.
I want people to be free to post & see profile post normally. I just don't want the tab to appear on the site bar (especially if it's posting the entire message).
So if I edit the extra.css nothing happens; I then edit the permissions. The tab disappears.. but also the ability to see the profile posts, when I go to the user profile page (and I want to keep that).

What am I missing ? TY.
If the other method didn't work you can also do it with a template modification.

Create a new template modification and fill in the following boxes
Template: find_new_wrapper
Find: <xen:if is="{$showTabs}">
Replace: <xen:if is="0">
I didn't use this method because if you're using an addon that adds a new tab (ie. Xen Media Gallery) at the end then that one gets hidden instead. @Digital Doctor you can use either, but mine would be addon safe since it's a URL match as opposed to a child-based selector.

I have another solution (@Digital Doctor @wdb , take a look):

Search Template find_new_wrapper

<li class="{xen:if '{$tabId} == {$selectedTab}', active}"><a href="{$tab.href}">{$tab.title}</a></li>

<li class="{xen:if '{$tabId} == {$selectedTab}', active, $tabId}"><a href="{$tab.href}">{$tab.title}</a></li>

Now the LI Element has a css class which can be selected. So in Extra.css you could add the following:
.tabs .profile_posts {display:none;}

Hope, that helps. In general @Kier @Mike : Couldn't you add the css class to the tabs so that anyone can change the tab appearance individually without template modification? There is no harm to that.
Thanks @gfc
I'd love to add it to the first post but xenforo.com prevents older posts from being edited.
So I can't keep the first post up to date :(
Hopefully people find your post.
Not everyone will go through the 104 posts before yours though.
I have another solution (@Digital Doctor @wdb , take a look):

Search Template find_new_wrapper

<li class="{xen:if '{$tabId} == {$selectedTab}', active}"><a href="{$tab.href}">{$tab.title}</a></li>

<li class="{xen:if '{$tabId} == {$selectedTab}', active, $tabId}"><a href="{$tab.href}">{$tab.title}</a></li>

Now the LI Element has a css class which can be selected. So in Extra.css you could add the following:
.tabs .profile_posts {display:none;}

Hope, that helps. In general @Kier @Mike : Couldn't you add the css class to the tabs so that anyone can change the tab appearance individually without template modification? There is no harm to that.
Thanks for the alternative!
It's a pity @Digital Doctor can't update first post...
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