How to duplicate a live site to use as a test site

What is the best option to create backup bd and import to a new database test?
Some information i have cpanel, and SSH, xenforo 1.5 the database in use shows "utf8_general_ci".

Can cpanel can do this backup and then restore, or is better by command line mysqldump?
What is the correct command?
Always use SSH/CLI and mysqldump if you can.

cPanel/phpMyAdmin is not ideal for backing up and restoring databases.
Thanks, i use utf8_general_ci in the collation i have to convert to utf8mb4_general_ci to use xenforo 2?
What is the best linux command to copy folders to another location with same attributes?

Example to copy folder data and all files and folders inside.

Source: /home/user/public_html/data
Destination: /home/user/public_html/newforum/data

This is right?
cp -avr /home/user/public_html/data /home/user/public_html/newforum/data
I've upgraded from XF1.5.2 to XF 2.1 on a test subdomain installation of my site. I've installed a number of add-ons and made some customisations to the style and some templates on the XF 2 test installation. When I'm ready, I want to upgrade my live site to XF 2.1 too. Am I right in thinking that I can use an importer to import all the changes and add-ons from my test installation to my live site?
Am I right in thinking that I can use an importer to import all the changes and add-ons from my test installation to my live site?

You upgrade the live site in exactly the same way that you upgraded the test site.

Doing it on the test site first allows you to document the steps and prepare for any changes which are required.

You upgrade the live site in exactly the same way that you upgraded the test site.

Doing it on the test site first allows you to document the steps and prepare for any changes which are required.
Thanks for the swift reply. I wish I'd asked the question sooner as I haven't documented the changes :(

You upgrade the live site in exactly the same way that you upgraded the test site.

Doing it on the test site first allows you to document the steps and prepare for any changes which are required.
If I upgrade the live site, is it not possible to then follow the Plesk instructions below:

When the site copy in the staging environment is updated and ready to go live, publish it as described in the following steps.

To publish the updated site to the production environment:

  1. Go to Websites & Domains.
  2. In the list of domain names, locate the address of your production site and click it.
  3. In the Document root box, specify the document root directory of the staging site.
  4. Click OK.
This will make the updated site copy in the staging site location accessible to visitors of your production site address.
Brogan updated How to duplicate a live site to use as a test site with a new update entry:

Useful config.php switches

Here are some useful src/config.php switches for a test site.

Refer to the manual for more information and other switches.

The first two switches I would consider to be essential for a test site.

Disable outgoing email.
$config['enableMail'] = false;

Set a different cookie prefix to avoid interfering with the production site if the test site is on the same domain (e.g. and...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Yes, looks like that. It would be better that old way is retained even for this thread type. It's more logical and consistent (not to mention, much easier to access other tabs)
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