Hello Again

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In this 'constant on' society that we find ourselves in today, a break is something that one has to do. I can only hope that your break has provided you with a refreshed spirit and the energy to continue forward. It is good to hear from you again.
Welcome back Kier, we missed you :)
I hope you get everything sorted soon, all these lawsuits and whatnot are total rubbish :cautious:
Nice to hear from you.
In bad times a community must stand together. thats count.
I think xenforo is a good community with many helpful hands.
Missed you my friend! You and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers very much and will continue to be.

I don't have a need for it but, as some others have stated, I will be buying license #3 today as a way of showing my support for you guys and your families.

"EFF achieves significant victories on behalf of consumers, innovators, coders and the general public. One of EFF's chief tools is fighting for freedom is in the U.S. courts, bringing and defending lawsuits even when that means taking on the U.S. government or large corporations"

4. The person seeking our help or the issue at stake cannot be addressed by the regular legal marketplace. EFF exists to take the sorts of cases that commercial attorneys cannot -- often because, despite the importance of the issues, the parties involved cannot afford counsel....

Oh well, if nothing else, a possibility. I have reached out to my silicon valley contacts to see if I can dig up any contacts or advice.
Welcome back Kier.

Dealing with personal issues is no easy task and I wish you the very best as you deal with them.

Here's a little quote for you, which may help at this time.
Life is not what it's supposed to be. It's what it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.
- Virginia Satir​
I would be glad to help - I certainly have a paypal address....
But my sense is that this would have to be set up with the OK of the XF team - maybe something like we raise money, give it to them and it is credited toward a fund so that certain non-profits get a copy for each $100 raised, etc......just so it is a commercial transaction of sorts. Otherwise it may be tough for them to account for the money.......
Another way would be for it to simply credit to each of our accounts.....for the purchase of future upgrades and add-ons.
The last thing we'd want to do is complicate things....so maybe Ashley could think on this?
Im with you on this. In fact if you set up somewhere I can make a monthly donation to defending xenforo I would like to do this also.

There was a post a while ago about this and I can't remember the details but there's a legal distinction which made buying extra licenses better than a donation to their legal costs (I think I've got that the right way round).
There was a post a while ago about this and I can't remember the details but there's a legal distinction which made buying extra licenses better than a donation to their legal costs (I think I've got that the right way round).

Ah I see. Then I guess I'll have to just start putting money aside for more licences then.
There was a post a while ago about this and I can't remember the details but there's a legal distinction which made buying extra licenses better than a donation to their legal costs (I think I've got that the right way round).

Yeah, as I mentioned above, there are probably accounting issues....which is why the credit to a non-profit giveaway, add-on future credit or license might be good. It would be good to have various levels that way, since only a few would give the full price of a license.
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