[h] Roll Dice

[h] Roll Dice RC2

No permission to download
You must set Permissions for the Usergroups / Forums to roll dice.
I've checked the permissions, It still doesn't let me roll the dice. The button appears only on quick reply and I've checked the other options too.

I get the error: You have rolled no die.

Okay, I'll need to edit the wiresets.
Edit4: I managed to roll the dice.

How can I remove the dice icon from the forums?
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Ok I figured it out.

So now I need help with the colors. Can you please show me how to change the colors of the text and background elements???

You can adjust all inside the style. There are several new Items.

Style -> Style Properties

Forum / Node-List - Display Die Icon
Dicemanager - Many new Settings
Message Elements - Show author dicer roll count
I did much of it in extra.css

I couldnt find a way to change the di color (not the black wiring) without changing its background however
Hi @Hoffi

Could you help me get a Key for the Dice Manager? I've tried installing the add-on again, but I'm still getting this error when I check the box to generate a key:
The following sub-option(s) are unknown: Key.
Is it possible to add a bonus/modifier field to a wireset? I only saw it in the d&d specific rulesets, but not in the standard ones.
That can be handled with the rules. If there is one missing, that you need, just describe what you want and I will add it.
I was basically just looking for a simple dice role with the ability to add an optional modifier to the result.

So that I could, for example, role a 2d6 +3 or a 3d10 +4.
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