Lack of interest Google Analytics - Site Speed

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Ok, I understand... I was expecting a dialog because I thought maybe I was missing something.

I implemented the Google code on the WP part of the site and was surprised I couldn't on the XF portion.
This issue has come up one one of my sites and we are loading this code.

I only see the ability to put in your unique id in the admin area. Is there a plan to add this functionality or is this something to be done at the code level?
It should be coming in 1.1 as per this post:

A few posts later there are instructions how to add the _trackPageLoadTime in the google_analytics template for pre-1.1
Ahhh.... how did you know I was going to look today? I did think it would only take a day or two. I'll be patient...... Thanks for the "FYI".
Some people are quick to check if their added code is working. Dean knows this, so he gave out the "FYI" out to you. ;)
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