Galaxy S III or iPhone 4S

I'm tired of black and white phones :) On the black one you immediately see scratches. (I'm not saying you won't see them on blue though :p) and the white one just isn't the right option for a guy of 17 years old.

And thank you, I will certainly!
- Vincent
So am I haha I liked the blue one until I saw it. Looked almost purple to me. I think that was the only thing that really bugged me about that particular blue ;)
I got the blue because it blends into the color of my room(anything dark will lol) and because a black version was not available when I purchased it(I walked into a store on release day, without a pre-order, and actually got one, how about that?)
Go Launcher is horrible :S. Apex or Holo Launcher are a lot better because they're much lighter, and the pro versions allow use of Go Launcher themes.
Agreed! I tried out Go Launcher the other day. The redraws were terrible. Went back to APEX and I am happy again haha
Currently going to upgrade to either a Galaxy III or Galaxy Note. Would like to hold out for the Note II, just to hold one in my hands to make a determination, but I need something sooner than later to replace my Galaxy S first run. Samsung is bad about upgrading their OS, which is why I'm still on Froyo, and didn't get Froyo until late last year. But that's really a quibble, and I've gotten comfortable enough with the concept of rooting where I could upgrade to Jellybean or whatever comes next when I do finally replace my phone.

If I'm not mistaken (I didn't read through the whole thread), but both iPhone and Galaxy lines use Gorilla Glass. I'm not sure why one model would break more easily over the other, unless there are lines of Gorilla Glass and/or the manner in which they were implemented.

I like Go Launcher just fine. Faster then my default TwLauncher or ADW. I actually wouldn't recommend it for the themes, specifically, but for the implementation.
Currently going to upgrade to either a Galaxy III or Galaxy Note. Would like to hold out for the Note II, just to hold one in my hands to make a determination, but I need something sooner than later to replace my Galaxy S first run. Samsung is bad about upgrading their OS, which is why I'm still on Froyo, and didn't get Froyo until late last year. But that's really a quibble, and I've gotten comfortable enough with the concept of rooting where I could upgrade to Jellybean or whatever comes next when I do finally replace my phone.

If I'm not mistaken (I didn't read through the whole thread), but both iPhone and Galaxy lines use Gorilla Glass. I'm not sure why one model would break more easily over the other, unless there are lines of Gorilla Glass and/or the manner in which they were implemented.

I like Go Launcher just fine. Faster then my default TwLauncher or ADW. I actually wouldn't recommend it for the themes, specifically, but for the implementation.

iPhone 4S is using a glass finish, if you were to drop it, it's likely it'll shatter compared to the S3 finish which is mainly built out of plastic, can absorb the impact.
I much dislike the cheap look of the S3, which is why I dismissed the phone as an option. Until I saw it in action. The screen and camera are amazingly sharp.

1 major issue with iPhone is that its not really compatible with your PC. Apple installs all forms of crapware on your PC. 11 programs to be exact! And several of those programs do not play well with Windows. Effectively slowing your PC down and causing issues with windows. iPhone is a great phone, but thats a real showstopper for me.
1 major issue with iPhone is that its not really compatible with your PC. Apple installs all forms of crapware on your PC. 11 programs to be exact! And several of those programs do not play well with Windows. Effectively slowing your PC down and causing issues with windows. iPhone is a great phone, but thats a real showstopper for me.

Alfa1, where could I find out more (detail) about this issue?

IIRC it was related to the Apple software Bonjour and Quicktime (there is a reason why quicktime alternative has been very popular since 2006), and also to the fact that Apple makes a mess of Windows registry. The iTunes software and related crapware also does not let itself uninstall the normal way. After uninstalling you need to check the running processes, and go hunting for the hidden stuff. Then clean up the Windows registry manually.
The difference between the performance of computers before and after uninstall can be day and night, depending on the specs.
Got my iPhone 4s about a month ago, haven't been happier. Battery life is great, a few more options such as Facetime and Siri, Siri is fun to screw with, call her a cuss word and she responds with "That was not nice." LMAO
I've never been a fan of iTunes as implemented on the Windows platform. My computer seemed to run more sluggish when I installed it (with the purchase of my iPhone). From what you (Alfa1) wrote, things don't seem to have improved much.
Got my iPhone 4s about a month ago, haven't been happier. Battery life is great, a few more options such as Facetime and Siri, Siri is fun to screw with, call her a cuss word and she responds with "That was not nice." LMAO

I guess you got that phone with all of the new purchases of xShop.... or wait, MyShop. :rolleyes:
I've never been a fan of iTunes as implemented on the Windows platform. My computer seemed to run more sluggish when I installed it (with the purchase of my iPhone). From what you (Alfa1) wrote, things don't seem to have improved much.
I don't notice any slow down on my computer with iTunes.
I guess you got that phone with all of the new purchases of xShop.... or wait, MyShop. :rolleyes:
FYI just wanted to let you know that any money I made was not used for personal items. I traded in old phones I've gathered over the years from free upgrades, I have 5 people on my account so the amount of phones I had was quite a few. Ended up only having to pay like $20 for my phone.
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