Friend Inviter [Paid] [Deleted]

Hi Sir, it would be great if the invites can be linked to bank so that user get points for each invite they sent and additional points if the referral registers :) Thanks,
I've got a problem with friend inviter. Invites by email works fine. Invites by Facebook does not work. I use the option Use Facebook Login App. I tried to invite a friend through Facebook but he didn't get the invitation. What could be wrong?

Any idea why the XenForo logo might show up when I use friend inviter to send an invite via facebook instead of my site's logo?

EDIT: nevermind. Typed the wrong damn URL. :rolleyes: User-error.
I've got a problem with friend inviter. Invites by email works fine. Invites by Facebook does not work. I use the option Use Facebook Login App. I tried to invite a friend through Facebook but he didn't get the invitation. What could be wrong?
Does your Login with Facebook feature work?

You might need to Unlink from Facebook and login again too.

Is this on the flying site? You are aware you're using the old version?

You really need to upgrade before I can provide any support.
When trying to use the Yahoo option I get this error:

Server Error

Undefined index: contact
  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in FriendInviter/Helper/Yahoo.php at line 237
  2. FriendInviter_Helper_Yahoo::parseYahooContacts() in FriendInviter/ControllerPublic/FriendInviter.php at line 387
  3. FriendInviter_ControllerPublic_FriendInviter->actionYahoo() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
  4. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
  5. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/secforum/public_html/index.php at line 13
When trying to use the Twitter option I get this error:
Server Error

Undefined index: id
  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in FriendInviter/ControllerPublic/FriendInviter.php at line 709
  2. FriendInviter_ControllerPublic_FriendInviter->actionTwitter() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
  3. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
  4. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/secforum/public_html/index.php at line 13
When trying to use Google I set up a new App and I put in the information that it said to in that section and it doesn't work. Not sure about the e-mail option as I haven't tried it yet, but Facebook option does work.
Either your account has no yahoo contacts or when creating the application on the yahoo website you didn't scroll down and select Contacts from the list of API uses.

If that doesn't resolve the issue let me know and I will look into it further for you.

What about Twitter? I know I have followers on there. As far as Yahoo I only setup an account to create what was needed to use the feature. So I don't have any contacts on there.
Ok......that is what it was as far as Yahoo goes. I recovered my old account on Yahoo and it works now.

Ok I unlinked my Twitter and added it again and it worked. So all is good in the world now.
Either your account has no yahoo contacts or when creating the application on the yahoo website you didn't scroll down and select Contacts from the list of API uses.

If that doesn't resolve the issue let me know and I will look into it further for you.


Mine's still broke as I don't use Yahoo.. Looking forward to Yahoo being a API off/on option soon!
Mine's still broke as I don't use Yahoo.. Looking forward to Yahoo being a API off/on option soon!

Well my issue was because I had setup an account to do the app and well didn't have any friends on it. Unlinked and logged in under my recovered account that I did have a friend on and it worked. So.....I guess Chris was right. But yes it would be nice to be able to enable/disable the ones we didn't want.
Well my issue was because I had setup an account to do the app and well didn't have any friends on it. Unlinked and logged in under my recovered account that I did have a friend on and it worked. So.....I guess Chris was right. But yes it would be nice to be able to enable/disable the ones we didn't want.

It doesn't work for me as I don't have a yahoo account, so it leads to that same error. I use this strictly for facebook
Does your Login with Facebook feature work?

You might need to Unlink from Facebook and login again too.

Is this on the flying site? You are aware you're using the old version?

You really need to upgrade before I can provide any support.
Yes, it's the flying site. Currently I'm running version 1.2. That was the last upgrade I did of friend inviter just before i migrated. When did it stop working?
Facebook changed their API right at the beginning of Feb, so it will be then.

You need to upgrade to restore the functionality.
"Houston, we have a problem". Here is the thing. I backed up my production site. Then I imported that backup to my development site. I started installing this upgrade by uploading the new files and finally by running the xml file. Then I realized that config.php was for the live site. My test db didn't get updated, but my production db did.

My question now is if I can solve this by uploading the latest file to my production site and it all will work?

I just learned something here to pay attention to the config.php file.
Yep just upload the latest files and upgrade using the XML for good measure.

You shouldn't have any problems.
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