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Friend Inviter on the Sidebar 1.2.1

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@Rambo , oops sorry. :S

Either use [Advanced] HTML (without wrapper) with the code provided by Mouth, <- haven't tried, not sure if this works but the logic seems right.


Use [Advanced] HTML with the below code (I just recalled that I actually edited a bit i.e. removing the additional div tag).

<div class="messageContent">   
                        <blockquote class="messageText ugc baseHtml">
                                    <div class="friendInviterServices">
                                            <a href="index.php?friend-inviter/google" ><img src="styles/FriendInviter/google.png"  height="36" width="36" /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
                                                            <a href="index.php?friend-inviter/yahoo"><img src="styles/FriendInviter/yahoo.png"  height="36" width="36" /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
                                                            <a href="index.php?friend-inviter/facebook"><img src="styles/FriendInviter/facebook.png"  height="36" width="36" /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
                                                            <a href="index.php?friend-inviter/twitter"><img src="styles/FriendInviter/twitter.png"  height="36" width="36" /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
                                                            <a href="index.php?friend-inviter/email"><img src="styles/FriendInviter/email.png"  height="36" width="36" /></a>

The reason I use [Advanced] HTML + edit the code instead of using the original code provided by Mouth is because I want this to be tabbed. [Advanced] HTML without wrapper can't be categorised as a tab group.
@Rambo , oops sorry. :S

Either use [Advanced] HTML (without wrapper) with the code provided by Mouth, <- haven't tried, not sure if this works but the logic seems right.


Use [Advanced] HTML with the below code (I just recalled that I actually edited a bit i.e. removing the additional div tag).

<div class="messageContent">  
                        <blockquote class="messageText ugc baseHtml">
                                    <div class="friendInviterServices">
                                            <a href="index.php?friend-inviter/google" ><img src="styles/FriendInviter/google.png"  height="36" width="36" /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
                                                            <a href="index.php?friend-inviter/yahoo"><img src="styles/FriendInviter/yahoo.png"  height="36" width="36" /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
                                                            <a href="index.php?friend-inviter/facebook"><img src="styles/FriendInviter/facebook.png"  height="36" width="36" /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
                                                            <a href="index.php?friend-inviter/twitter"><img src="styles/FriendInviter/twitter.png"  height="36" width="36" /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
                                                            <a href="index.php?friend-inviter/email"><img src="styles/FriendInviter/email.png"  height="36" width="36" /></a>

The reason I use [Advanced] HTML + edit the code instead of using the original code provided by Mouth is because I want this to be tabbed. [Advanced] HTML without wrapper can't be categorised as a tab group.

Using the @Mouth code + Advanced HTML without wrapper comes out looking like this:

Using your edited code and the Advanced HTML w/wrapper comes out like this:

@Rambo, mine looks just fine by using my edited code and the Advanced HTML w/wrapper. I think it's just about the style layout or something :)
Where can I translate "Invite your friends"?

And in Firefox I also have it like this:

Icons are not in one line. In Chrome it is ok.
Sorry but this add-on isn't phrased so you would have do it manually in the xml file and install it as an update. This is what you need to do:

Label "A" - Change the title in the xml code to the desired one in your language
Label "B" - Change the height and width to 32 in the code; ideally should be enough, however you can decrease it further if you want.


Hope this helps. Thanks
Sorry but this add-on isn't phrased so you would have do it manually in the xml file and install it as an update. This is what you need to do:

Label "A" - Change the title in the xml code to the desired one in your language
Label "B" - Change the height and width to 32 in the code; ideally should be enough, however you can decrease it further if you want.

View attachment 58658

Hope this helps. Thanks
Thank you very much for your great support. This will work!
Hi, I've just installed this Add-on . It installed perfectly. However, when I click on the link on the sidebar it says :

The requested URL /friend-inviter/google was not found on this server.
Hi, I've just installed this Add-on . It installed perfectly. However, when I click on the link on the sidebar it says :

The requested URL /friend-inviter/google was not found on this server.
That's because the sidebar addon is using the SEO friendly URL. Is either you change your xenForo option to SEO friendly URL or you edit the source code to "index.php?friend-inviter/google". See few posts above you, I used another method (making use of Widget Framework) in order to show the five icons at the sidebar instead of altering the code of this addon. :)
From the main resource description:

This will just add a block for Friend Inviter on your sidebar, it has following dependencies (simply means that these have to be installed and configured):
  • Friend Inviter
  • TMS [For xenForo 1.1.5 and below] - TMS not required for xenForo 1.2 and above

If you own Friend Inviter, you can still use this, but they both need to be installed.
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