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Yeah, I'll get to the Beta 3 update as soon as possible (when I can find some free time). For those asking about a branding-free option, sorry I haven't responded to you personally.

I'll probably offer a branding-free option with the release of the Beta 3 version. :)
Yeah, I'll get to the Beta 3 update as soon as possible (when I can find some free time). For those asking about a branding-free option, sorry I haven't responded to you personally.

I'll probably offer a branding-free option with the release of the Beta 3 version. :)
thanks branding for free was a lovely decision of you thakns
Yeah, I'll get to the Beta 3 update as soon as possible (when I can find some free time). For those asking about a branding-free option, sorry I haven't responded to you personally.

I'll probably offer a branding-free option with the release of the Beta 3 version. :)
Thank you!
Hey Erik,

I have noticed two issues with using this style.

When a user receives an alert, with the default style, if you hover over the alerts they will slowing 'be marked' as read and the alert count will go away. Under the Flexile style, when you hover over the alerts they stay active and you have to click each one to make them be marked as 'read'.

The second one is with another mod. The Recent Status mod. Under the default style there is an option that allows the user to enter a new status update right from the sidebar. With this style, that option is missing.

I would pay for this theme if you do decide to make it commercial and add a whole bunch of features to it.
Hey Erik,

I have noticed two issues with using this style.

When a user receives an alert, with the default style, if you hover over the alerts they will slowing 'be marked' as read and the alert count will go away. Under the Flexile style, when you hover over the alerts they stay active and you have to click each one to make them be marked as 'read'.
Sorry, I can't reproduce this. Alerts function as expected for me when using this style (at least they do in my Beta 3 dev version). Perhaps this is an issue of outdated templates from the Beta 2 version messing with Beta 3. Let me know if the problem is fixed with the Beta 3 update (coming very soon). Otherwise I'll have to investigate further.
The second one is with another mod. The Recent Status mod. Under the default style there is an option that allows the user to enter a new status update right from the sidebar. With this style, that option is missing.


The installation instructions for that mod require that you edit the templates manually:
Step 3

Find your "forum_list" template to include the new sidebar item

Admin CP > Appearance > Templates > Search for forum_list > Click forum_list to edit it

Search the template and find:


Right above it add:
<xen:include template="recent_status"></xen:include>
If you want to see the sidebar item in the Flexile style, you'll have to add it to Flexile's templates as well. :)
Thanks for the reply.

As far as the Recent status mod, I do have it in the sidebar. But when viewing it with the default style there is an option to enter your Updated Status there, not just the listing of recent statuses Using your style, I see the recent statuses but the option to update it there on the sidebar is missing.

Flexile 0.2 has been released with support for Beta 3. I've also added a branding-free option. The price is $20. Please see the original post for details regarding the branding-free option. :)

Here is the changelog for Flexile 0.2:
  • Updated for Beta 3. Templates updated and modifications tweaked to fit current XenForo techniques.
  • Made spacing consistent accross entire theme.
  • Updated text shadow on secondary nav bar rollover to use RGBA values and made slightly more transparent for better readability
  • Made search bar rounded for sexiness and added inner shadow.
  • Added style property to control background of main content area (General → Flexile Content Background). The background of the header can be controlled by the "Header" style property, and the background of the footer can be changed by modifying the "HTML" style property.
  • Made the background of the Login dropdown layer the same as the User Bar's background for consistency.
  • Added Style Properties to enable/disable the mini avatar in the user bar, and the sidebar user card that exists in the default style but is hidden by default with Flexile.
  • 2 new small features:
    • Added the ability to display a simple link in the left-side of the user bar for normal users, to fill the space where the moderator/admin controls are located for mods/admins. This can be controlled via Style Properties.
    • Added a "content box" that is displayed on the right side of the header where you can add some custom content to highlight something important. This too can be completely controlled via Style Properties.
    • Here is a picture of the 2 new features together:
      View attachment 6326
  • All colors shown in the first post are now included in the package by default. To use them, you will need to import each individually as a child of the base Flexile theme.
Thanks for the reply.

As far as the Recent status mod, I do have it in the sidebar. But when viewing it with the default style there is an option to enter your Updated Status there, not just the listing of recent statuses Using your style, I see the recent statuses but the option to update it there on the sidebar is missing.

Jamie, I didn't include a fix for that in the latest update but I'll look into it. :)
This theme will always remain free, regardless of how many features I add to it. :)
Well, perhaps you ought to consider taking donations. ;) Your style is top quality and you are quite active in updating it. It's something site owners love to see and encourage.
Ooh... I messed up... I overwrote the old version... and I forgot to upgrade the changes I made to the header. Wish I had documented it.
Okay... so I dont forget... and in case anyone else wants to know what I did...
.navTabs .navTab.PopupClosed .navLink
	-webkit-box-shadow: black 0px 0px 5px;
	color: @lightTextColor;
	background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) url('@imagePath/xenforo/gradients/navigation-tab.png') repeat-x 50% 0%;
	height: 25px;
	line-height: 25px;
	margin: 5px;
	padding: 0px 10px;

Can I make some more recommendations?

I like that you took my advice about consistency between the margins... but I think you took it a bit too far. While being consistent with the top and margin bottom was good; I think applying that same consistency to the margin between the main content and the sidebar is just a bit too much. Putting 20px of width between every main body element is just a complete waste of space... The idea of a LARGE margin is to separate unrelated content; the header, maincontent and footer are all unrelated. However, the main content and the sidebar are related content; they should have a SMALL margin. Its like the difference between using a period (.) or a semi-colon (;) in your sentences.

I lowered the difference between them to 10px and I think it looks a lot better:

As well, the roundness of the search bar? Not sexy at all... and, not consistent. Almost every rounded element in the style has a radius of 5px... but the search bar has a roundness of 11px. When I first loaded the skin, my eyes immediately stuck directly to the search bar and it was very jarring. Especially since there are white pixel artifacts around the radius border. I've changed it to 5px on my forums and I think it looks a lot nicer.
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