XF 1.1 Everything throws be back to mainpage


Hello guys,

I installed Xenforo a few days ago and I noticed a problem. I already talked about that with Jake but we can't find an answer.

Ok, here is the problem:

It usually comes sometimes (sporat). My forum thows me back on the mainpage when I try to click something. It takes no matter what I am clicking. Everything throws me back on the mainpage. For example when I move the curser to the "nickname" (you normally should see the Profile) but in this window is just the mainpage "crazy". Every link brings me to the startpage. The currect link is shown in the firefox or internet explorer. After some seconds (between 30 and 3 minutes, I don't know) is everything fine and it works. My User and I got this problem somethimes a day.
Maybe you guys have an idea ?!?!?

Thank you guys...

Greetings Poison
I just came on here to post about exactly the same thing! It seems to happen to our forum intermittently. Usually once a day or so for me, but I've now had reports from other users of the same happening to them. I'm on a Windows server running Parallels Plesk Panel. I tried re-uploading the core files and also tried a few things with the .htaccess but I've had no luck in fixing it.
You're both on Windows Servers...

Call me cynical, but I've worked with Windows Servers for years - it's my day job. And usually when stuff like this happens it's down to Microsoft rolling out some update or hotfix that ends up causing more problems than it solves.

Can you both list the Windows updates you have had installed recently since the problem began? What version of Windows Server? I assume Server 2008 and R2?

How have you both implemented PHP in IIS? PHP FastCGI?

Any other recent hardware or software changes?
I've actually had the problem with this since our initial install of Xenforo about a month ago. Our server is indeed 2008 R2 and PHP is running as FastCGI. Is it worth trying CGI or ISAPI? I don't really know much about the differences between them.

I can't really give too much information with regards to updates / software changes unfortunately because our hosts do this for us. We're running on a managed dedicated server. Are there any logs I can look at which list our updates on the server? We have our hands tied with regards to running on Windows because we run admin software on our server that doesn't support Linux. I certainly suspected Windows might be at fault though.
Yeah it's pretty much confirmed to be Windows.

You, the OP and one other guy have all reported the same issue.

Yet, I know there's many people here who run XenForo boards on IIS without issue which is why I think this is a recent change (recent being in the last month or so).

If your hosts manage the server for you, it might be best to get them to tell you.

Though, typically on Windows Server if you've not been prevented access then you will want Control Panel > Windows Update > View Update History. This is only a cynical assumption on my part though, but it's the only one that currently makes sense.

Aside from PHP as FastCGI, is everything else pretty much default? Any caching software available? The other common bit is you all seem to be running Plesk - though perhaps that's once of the few control panels that works with Windows? We use FastCGI at work for our installation of Moodle. It may be one of the few options... I'll look into others.

As I said in my previous post, I work with Windows Servers every day. I look after 60 Windows servers (only a couple of them web servers) and I've not seen this issue before. Though, if you'd like me to take a look and you have Remote Desktop access, then feel free to send me a PM.

EDIT: I asked a mod to merge this thread with another with the same issue.

The other OP from the other thread reports this most recently:

Well i've found out that there is something wrong with my IIS Application Pool also no htaccess files works (due Plesk configs) and my vServer is broken at all (i think due an update).
This seems to blame an IIS app pool - but that seems a little generic without much of a solution.
i've request a Server switch from my current Windows Server 2008 to Cent Os with Plesk.

About the Windows updates , my vServer manage the Windows updates themself means i can't install/search for new updates , they will be installed automaticly.

Here is a Picture of my recent Windows Updates:

-Doug Heffernan
I can manage my updates by myself . The problem was there since I installed Xenforo....
Another point is that when the problem comes up I am able to use the Admin Panel.. That means that the forum throws me back to the index, no matter what I am doing but the admin panel is working fine ( its the only link I am able to click on). I didnt install any updates before since I bought or rent the server. I will try to update everything now.

I am using Windows Server 2008 Rc2 too, including Plesk 11
Yep same here , once the Bug occurs (which seems to be permanent now , no one can use the Forum anymore, everything throws back to index) i can use the Admin Panel without problems and if i click on the Forum link in Admin panel i can see myself Logged in on Forum but the bug still exist , very strange.

Another Bug in Bug: All Users reporting that they never get an Activation Code sent to activate the Accounts.

www.insanitygaming.org, You can check it , it seems that the bug is now permanent.

Now the Bug is gone, maybe there is some connection with amount of Users when the Bug occurs and when it's gone

-Doug Heffernan
The only other common factor is you're all using Plesk.

Poison/Doug: Are you all also using PHP FastCGI?

I notice that SoleTrader has his FastCGI configured so that it's using a php-cgi.exe from Plesk.

I wonder if this is buggy?
I think PHP with FastCGI is ok, but I just wondered whether all three of you had a similar connection by using the Plesk PHP binary instead of any sort of official PHP release?

You see from here, under FastCGI settings, it seems like SoleTrader server is using php-cgi.exe from the PleskPHP5 install.

I still have no idea what's going on but I'm hoping there's more connections between the three of you which will isolate the cause...


But specifically what binary of PHP is it using? Is it the version of PHP that comes bundled with Plesk?

You can check this by going to IIS Manager > Server > Features View > FastCGI settings > and as above it should tell you the location of the php-cgi.exe application.

It might be nothing to do with it, but if yours is also the version that comes with Plesk then that may be the issue.
I fresh updated PHP to this Version... The Plesk PHP version before was 5.2.4 and I had the same problem. Because this I updated PHP.


just want to say that i've now setup insanitygaming with the new Linux vServer and everything seems to work here and it's damn fast :)

I've still the vServer Windows for up to 7 days , once i got time i'll see if i can fix the Server Manager (Microsoft Management Console stopped working) to see what FASTCGI Settings i've got.

-Doug Heffernan
Maybe I got the solution... When the problem comes up it seems to help to rebuild the usercache and the problem is gone ... maybe there is something wrong with the usercache

No effect !!
I don't have any idea where to start the search for the problem ?!?!?

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