Donation Manager [Paid] [Deleted]

Robbo updated Donation Manager with a new update entry:

1.1.0 Released

Donation Manager 1.1.0 is a bug fix and minor feature release. This version addresses bugs and adds debug information for administrators to better track down issues with PayPal.

Change Log
  • fixed bug with progress bar rendering incorrectly
  • added different style for when the sidebar has a single goal to stand out more
  • fixed issue in admin with the flash effect to indicate a preset was chosen not working
  • callback for PayPal has been renamed to prevent collisions with similar add-ons
  • added a new logs section to the ACP to display information about what PayPal has tried to do
  • fixed bugs with PHP 5.5

Installation and Upgrade Instructions

Full details for how to install and upgrade Donation Manager can be found in the XenForo Manual.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Could you tell me please how to change the "Donate" button from white to a normal grey ish type colour.
Sorry I made a mistake. Try this...

.donateButton .inner { background-color: rgb(58, 96, 154); }
.donateButton:hover .inner { background-color: rgb(30, 59, 106); }
Sorry I made a mistake. Try this...

.donateButton .inner { background-color: rgb(58, 96, 154); }
.donateButton:hover .inner { background-color: rgb(30, 59, 106); }
No still nothing changing with the sidebar button or via the donation page.
Are there current instructions for how to move the navbar link to the end? I see discussion in this thread about just that shortly after release, but it's a little convoluted insofar as there seemed to be three different copies of the same file at that point in time.

Also, am I missing documentation somewhere? There seems to be none -- can figure it all out, I suspect, but that's a little surprising.
Documentation is in general lacking for my add-ons for certain reasons. It will all be updated a lot including a new site for giving support soon.

As for moving the link to the end you have to make a manual code edit, so if you want to do that I can give instructions.
Documentation is in general lacking for my add-ons for certain reasons. It will all be updated a lot including a new site for giving support soon.

As for moving the link to the end you have to make a manual code edit, so if you want to do that I can give instructions.

That would be great. Right now it's sandwiched between Sportsbook and Pickem, and I'd like to have it at the end.

No worries about the documentation, just wanted to make sure I wasn't overlooking something important.

This post was particularly helpful:

Also, I just pointed Paypal straight to your donation_manager_callback.php for IPNs, is that correct?

Thanks for the quick reply!
The add-on should handle the IPN automatically but sometimes there are issues where you have to manually point it. PayPal is just hard to get working a lot of the time.

Go into library/Merc/DonationManager/Listener.php, line 54 and change..
'position' => 'middle',
'position' => 'end',

You will have to do this after every update and also it will make the file health check give a false negative for that file.
The add-on should handle the IPN automatically but sometimes there are issues where you have to manually point it. PayPal is just hard to get working a lot of the time.

Go into library/Merc/DonationManager/Listener.php, line 54 and change..
'position' => 'middle',
'position' => 'end',

You will have to do this after every update and also it will make the file health check give a false negative for that file.

Thank you, that did the trick. Would be great to have that as a setting.

Does this support the creation of recurring donations? I've got quite a few people who preferred that.
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Robbo, last question (for now): We award SportsBook currency to our donors at a fixed ratio. It looks like Anonymous donors are anon even to admins -- is there a way for them to be anon to other users but show in the ACP?

Looks like they do if you click through -- would be great if they showed up in the Applications > Donations > List Donations list. Something like "Anonymous (Username) X.00 USD - Note".

Speaking of Notes, if you're open to feature suggestions (beyond the recurring flag), it would be great if users could make their notes private (admins only) or leave them readable by all (as they are now).

Thanks for putting this mod together. I'm very happy with the purchase (whether you consider my notes/requests or not).
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- Option for moving the nav bar link added to the to-do.
- Recurring donations are kinda on the list to do, I will be looking at it more for the next release to see what I am going to do with it.
- You can see the username of the anonymous donor if you go to edit the donation entry in the ACP. This is another thing I need to look at, I think I will have an additional permission to get this data.
I'm not seeing those changes applied in your stylesheet.
Well i am changing the correct template with the details your giving me and refreshing my website to see the changes and there is no changes so i am then removing the code. So it would be by chance that you check my site the same time i have actually changed the template in question.

I have re-submitted the code you have given me and will leave it in place for you to see.
This works pretty good. However it would be nice if it was tied in with the default user upgrade system. With this there is no way to give people promotions with a donation. Also, if someone uses the default system this donation manager doesn't read it.

Also I noticed when someone gives anonymously it still uses the default gender icon and it should probably not indicate gender.
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