[DBTech] DragonByte Shout [Pro]

[DBTech] DragonByte Shout [Pro] [Paid] 7.2.0

No permission to buy ($44.95)
The reason why I wanted to see a demo of the Pro version is to see these features:
Detach Shoutbox
Extra Tab Options
Additional Moderation Commands - this feature is really nice.

Detach Shoutbox
It's essentially the same shoutbox, only taller, on a page of its own (standard header/footer/breadcrumb still included).
Extra Tab Options
This allows you to disable those notifications and have them only show on their separated tabs.
Additional Moderation Commands
This also lets you silence/unsilence users and prune individual users' shouts :)

Hope that provides more information, let me know if there's anything else you're wondering about :)

DragonByte Tech updated [DBTech] DragonByte Shout v7 [Pro] with a new update entry:

7.0.0 Release Candidate 1

New Features:

Desktop Notifications
  • Shoutbox PMs received can now be displayed as desktop notifications!
  • Works in Chrome, Firefox and Safari
  • Can be toggled by the user

Markup Username
  • Banned Users list (Command: /banlist) now uses markup username
  • (Pro) Silenced Users list (Command: /silencelist) now uses markup username

Bug Fixes:
  • Manual deployment would not work correctly in certain...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I've missed you guys. >:]

Is it possible for me to switch my vbulletin license over to a xenforo one? I haven't had a chance to hunt down if this question has been asked/answered elsewhere yet!
DragonByte Tech updated [DBTech] DragonByte Shout [Pro] with a new update entry:

7.0.0 Release Candidate 3

New Features:

Developer Friendly
  • Full XFCP support for every Action page
  • Full XFCP support for every DataManager action
  • Full XFCP support for every Shoutbox API call

Changes to Existing Features:

  • Various back-end changes to bring the framework in line with DragonByte Shop

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue with the shout auto-scroll when using Oldest First

Read the rest of this update entry...
Is there a WIDGET option?
Hi there,

Would you be able to elaborate on what you mean by widget option? I'd like to look into this functionality for you, but I haven't found any areas in the XenForo AdminCP that mentions widgets. I'm still very new to the XF ACP so I may have missed it.

Any additional information would be much appreciated :)

Well, first I am not a big fan of a shoutbox at the top or as a page, since I believe that people would like to continue a conversation while still browsing a forum.
So all I personally require is a shoutbox in the sidebar and be able to disable any pages that the software generates, and also disable any shoutbox that would sit at the top of the forum

I have purchased and installed a shoutbox and disabled all of the above, bar the sidebar location, but I find that the options are limited
You can see it running at http://rimbit.com/forums/

Yours seems that it could offer more functionality and the fact that you are around, also is a good sign when things break or some special additions need to be made...
Well, first I am not a big fan of a shoutbox at the top or as a page, since I believe that people would like to continue a conversation while still browsing a forum.
So all I personally require is a shoutbox in the sidebar and be able to disable any pages that the software generates, and also disable any shoutbox that would sit at the top of the forum

I have purchased and installed a shoutbox and disabled all of the above, bar the sidebar location, but I find that the options are limited
You can see it running at http://rimbit.com/forums/

Yours seems that it could offer more functionality and the fact that you are around, also is a good sign when things break or some special additions need to be made...
Ah I see, there's no widget support at the moment and we have no immediate plans to add it either as it would need to be a very stripped down version.

Sorry I couldn't bring better news :(

Hi Fillip
i try install Lite chat but it (loading ...) and not able to write
how fix this ?
Hi asmar,

Could you please check your browser's error console or enable the SB for guests and link me to your site so I can see the issue in action?


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