[DBTech] DragonByte Shop

[DBTech] DragonByte Shop [Paid] 6.0.4

No permission to buy ($12.45)
Any chance to see this feature in this shop ??? As its really nice addon :p
There's been a few requests for making this mod capable of handling RMT, at the moment we want to focus on adding features that improves the current feature set (e.g. item reselling, item trading instead of just gifting, and possibly also auction style item selling).

Once that's done, we could re-visit whether we want to keep this a strictly "for fun" type of store and create a dedicated Classifieds mod, or merge the functionality into this mod.

Sorry for the confusion; the Bank is an upcoming feature, I just decided to implement Steal first because it was more frequently talked about here in this thread :)

I'll look into adding the trophy, not 100% sure if the existing data structure supports it though. I'll find out :)


Excited to see what you come up with next. Would you mind giving a sneak peak at what you want the bank to do/be? I'm curious, is all. :)
Excited to see what you come up with next. Would you mind giving a sneak peak at what you want the bank to do/be? I'm curious, is all. :)
At first, it'll be exactly what it is in the vB version of the Shop mod; you deposit your money via a special page, then the administrator has the option of either automatically award interest every 24h, or require manual interest collection via a button in the bank interface. If you require manual collection, users who do not log in every 24h to collect the interest will lose out on that day's interest.

It doesn't have any special interaction, beyond (potentially, depending on admin config) being a safe haven from having your currency stolen.

As always I'm interested in hearing ideas that you guys and girls might have for how to make the feature cooler :)

DragonByte Tech updated [DBTech] DragonByte Shop with a new update entry:


New Features:

AdminCP Menu
  • A link to the options page for this mod is now included in the Admin Navigation

Changed Features:
  • The mod's options are now tabbed for easier browsing
  • A link to the options page for this mod is now included in the Admin Navigation
  • Items that cost no credits now displays "Free" in the shop’s item list instead of "0 Credits"
  • The "Total Price" in the sidebar wallet display now applies number formatting and currency prefix/suffix settings

Bug Fixes:
  • The Shop Icon upload box would not appear when creating a new item, only when editing an existing item
  • Fixed an issue...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Are there any plans to change the "list of comma-separated UserIds" fields in the adminCP (like for purchase notifications) to a field that lets you search and add people by username? It would be a lot more user friendly.
Are there any plans to change the "list of comma-separated UserIds" fields in the adminCP (like for purchase notifications) to a field that lets you search and add people by username? It would be a lot more user friendly.
The way I'm looking at it just now, doing that would be very complex in terms of having to translate usernames -> userids, store them, then translate userids -> usernames for display. Maybe I'm thinking it's more complex than XF APIs would make it, do you know of any other areas of XenForo that has input allowing for multiple usernames to be added with autocomplete like what you want?

The way I'm looking at it just now, doing that would be very complex in terms of having to translate usernames -> userids, store them, then translate userids -> usernames for display. Maybe I'm thinking it's more complex than XF APIs would make it, do you know of any other areas of XenForo that has input allowing for multiple usernames to be added with autocomplete like what you want?

Creating a new conversation lets you do that.
Creating a new conversation lets you do that.
Sorry, I should have been more specific; I meant, is there any area of XenForo where you fill out multiple user names with autocomplete, saving it in the DB and then being able to edit that list of users again later?

Hey all,

TL;DR: I'm looking for reference ideas for alternate designs for a new main shop page that lists shops (including custom shops).

Many of you have probably discovered the references to the "Feedback" system either in the permissions or in the settings, and I'm happy to say I'm working on that feature right now. As this is an important feature for forums that utilise custom user shops, and since I intend to expand the custom user shops feature in the future to allow members to re-sell their purchased items, I think it's time to re-examine the main shop page.

Some of you have let me know that XenForo does not gracefully handle a situation where there's too many tabs to fit on a page, so for forums that plan to open the custom user shops feature to hundreds or perhaps thousands of members, having thousands of tabs might not be the best idea.

I suppose the most obvious design would be a grid design, where instead of the first shop being the default shown, you see a grid layout of all the currently created shops. If I'm right, then the most obvious place to look for inspiration / example HTML/CSS would be the official Media Gallery add-on.

Regardless of the design, there would of course need to be advanced filters in place so that members can search shops by creator (admin-created, or member username), item type sold, search by shop title and shop description, etc.

I have two primary questions for you all:
  1. Do you agree that a grid design is the best idea for this?
  2. Regardless of your answer to #1, do you have a screenshot from a modification page whose design would fit very well for this?
Looking forward to hearing your ideas! Thank you for taking the time to help make this mod the best it can be :)

Now I need step by step instructions on how to integrate this with briviu credits please.
I can't give you the exact steps because I don't know the column name used by ******* credits, but you'll need to create a new currency in DragonByte Shop and fill it out as closely as you can to the ******* Credits configuration.

I can't give you the exact steps because I don't know the column name used by ******* credits, but you'll need to create a new currency in DragonByte Shop and fill it out as closely as you can to the ******* Credits configuration.

Do I have to do any php file edits or everything can be done through cpanel?

If i give you access to my forums could you do it for me? I just like his credit system but your shop is better
Can you please make an option where instead of having only 1 amount per item you can have a box where you fill in how much credits you want to spend to trade in for somthing ...

For example.. If i set the credits for 100 credits = 1$ usd i want them to used that formula and they set in how many they want to trade
Also when you click on an item and purchase it.. or the lottery can you ajax it so it reflects the item in your cart cause the only way you know you have it in the cart is ifyou refresh the site
Can you please make an option where instead of having only 1 amount per item you can have a box where you fill in how much credits you want to spend to trade in for somthing ...

For example.. If i set the credits for 100 credits = 1$ usd i want them to used that formula and they set in how many they want to trade
This is very much possible :) You can use the "Buyback Price" field for this.

Also when you click on an item and purchase it.. or the lottery can you ajax it so it reflects the item in your cart cause the only way you know you have it in the cart is ifyou refresh the site
No AJAX is needed since you receive a popup stating the item is in the cart. If you click "continue shopping" the site will auto refresh to reflect the new cart.

This is very much possible :) You can use the "Buyback Price" field for this.

No AJAX is needed since you receive a popup stating the item is in the cart. If you click "continue shopping" the site will auto refresh to reflect the new cart.


I dont know if your understand what im saying.. I dont want to sell back the item I want a box where i can type in say 300 credits and it shows $3 or if i type in 400 credits it shows $4
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