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Database Backup..Local & Offsite..

Thank You Floris for your comments and feedback and rightly pointing out that there is always more than one way to do a task in hand..

In the end it always comes back to personal preference , be it with PC`s , Cars or even women some prefer Blondes I prefer Brunettes.. LOL

Only way this would be any more great, is if there was a setting to automatically start the script/backup.
As stated above cron job does this also...

I did mention it at the end of the 3rd part of the tutorial...

A quote from a tip on MySQLDuper`s site:

You have a flatrate and your computer is always online? Get yourself an account at DynDNS.org. Get a DynDNS-Client that updates your IP-Adress at the DynDSN-Server. Install a FTP-Server on your computer (i.e. FileZilla) and create a valid user. Tell MySQLDumper the userdata and create a cronjob to start the perlscript of MySQLDumper at the time you want to.
Now you don't have to do anything. Just wait until MySQLDumper logs on to your FTP-Server and sends the backup automatically.
Yes there is, I am just saying it would be nice if there was a setting already on there to run the script automatically (setting up the cronjob) for you.
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